February 6, 1941 Mr. Johnny Jones Sports Editor The Saretogian Savatoga Springs, New York Dear Johnny: We use the liquid belt dressing which is supplied by any supply company that furnishes belt dressings 8 belt dressing is a heavy, gelatinous liquid that is used on the surface of wide belts that rm over rollers; of course, the purpose ef it is te adhere to the rollers I used this some twenty years ego on dance floors. We had & paint brush and we daubed this stuff on the soles of the shoese It marks up the floor terribly bade The floor looked as if a group of tarehealed giants had ferociously dug and skidded arowd on the floor, but it does the jobs -If your Glen Falis beys are playing on a wax surface and if you or the host care much for the looks of the floor afterward, you had better try it out om some other floor to see what you will do to a surface after 40 minutes of plays It will look like Mephistopheles came up from Hades and tossed some pitch around before he did his dirty worke Thanking you for your kind wishes regarding our | basketball team and trusting that nobody will shoot you after using the belt dressing, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAsig