Tesember 12, 1940 Dear Mr. Johnson: I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 10th instant and 1 em glad to hear from youe You are mistaken if you are of the opinion that I attack football beeause I do note : ' ‘Twas asked down by the High-Twelve Club of the Masonic Order in Kansas City, Kansas. They hadas their guests 16 of the allestar high school | | some remarks to these boys such as this; You have won splendid honers on the foote ball field and I congratulate you for the successes You played these games for the sheer fun of playings Now I would not want you to take the thing that you for sheer fun and endeavor to make it a marketable commodityo - I stated further to the boys that they should pick out their own versity with an idea toward getting an education and use the sport not as a Uni business but as a recreative : I said that somebody had done something to footballs they had not it and nurtured it beeause teams like & business instead of & sport. I voiced a fear that if certain individua succeeded in their endeavor to big-time basketball they would kill baskethall — the same as they are killing football. Sy gee | | . a BP go ptrssciparay parle ac tyen Pg igh caaanllvanryge ng Jayhawkers in 1920 when we tied Nebrasim 20 to 20. We were outweighed exotly 27 pounds to the man, and Nebraska had rm over us 20 to Oe This little band of Kansans came back and tied the score 20 to 20 and missed their kick for an extra points The following Monday morning, here in the University Gymmasiu, dents of the University met and pledged $160,000 as their part toward this beautiful stadiua that we haves I promoted the building of the. stadiun and the completion thereof. I founded the Kansas Relays here in 1923. had 3 I am not mentioning these things to you to boast, but to show you that | hoped that we would earn enough money from football that we could have play facilities or students for the entire University from these earningse As head of the Department of Physical Education here at the University, I have been in & position to see a great many things that affect.the young life of students, and I want to assure you that a man who comes to college to get an education is benefit by playing football, but a bey who comes to college to play football is certainly not benefited thereby. This boy is putting the emphasis on the wrong activity. : PP “