October 31, 1940 Mre Earl Jones Manager he Ge Spalding & bros. Dive Spelding Seles Corporation 1012 Grand Avenue Kansas City, Mees Deer Earls | I acknowledge receipt of your good letter of the 26st instant and I em also ac’mowledging receipt of those golf balls guaranteed to go straight, not to cut, rip, revel, or run dow at the heels. Thot is, if we hit them properly. Well, you mow I heave got a lot of nerve to hit some of ny friends for some things, so why shouldn't I hit o golf ball for a run or a hole in one or whatever anne be done with a golf valle | I can't gusrantee my treatment to make you tell better yarns to the sports writers then whet you have been telling, but I — to: ‘Pix up thet hip if ™ drop around here. : Thanking you for your contribution, I am, Sincerely yours, i Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coech FCA: lg:min