WHAT FAMOUS COACHES AND ATHLETES SAY ABOUT POSTUM @ Postum, which is soothing to the nervous sys- tem, should find a place on every training table. It is what the athlete needs to produce that steadi- ness of nerves necessary to keen competition. GEORGE E. KEoGAN, Basketball Coach, University of Notre Dame @ Correct training habits must be formed early by the youth who aspires to become an athlete. Use of stimulants retards physical development. Postum makes a non-stim- ulating drink which may be used safely by the athlete in or out of training. TUCKER P. SMITH, Trainer, Ohio State University ® A good training rule for anyone who wants to keep physically fit is “No coffee.” A hot meal- time drink is beneficial, however, and I recom- mend Postum, a warm, delicious beverage con- taining no caffein. HELEN HIcKs YOU’LL LIKE POSTUM Postum is wholesome and delicious. It contains no caffein. It is simply whole wheat and bran roasted and slightly sweetened. And Postum- made-with-milk is one of the most nourishing drinks in the world. It changes plain milk into a delightful, steaming beverage, amber- clear, and with a fragrance that gives promise of its full rich, satisfy- ing flavor. Try Postum. Drink it for 30 days...and you'll see why top-notch coaches all over America recommend it. Copyright 1936, General Foods Corp. 2414 — Printed in U.S.A.