THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS OFFICE OF FHE DIRECTOR January 9, 1940. Dr, FF. Cc. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog": I have just returned from my trip to the Coast to find your letter of December 3lst. Hearty congratulations on your winning the Topeka tournament. I have just been around the con- ference long enough to take your winning of championships as a regular part of the winter excitement. I am looking forward to seeing your fine team play again. I was very interested to read your remarks in regard to Dean Nesmith. I believe good trainers are harder to find than @ good coach. Consequently, I think you are deserving of some kind of a medal for developing outstanding men like Kelly, Cox and Logan. I note with surprise you did not mention Elwyn Dees at Pittsburgh. He seems to be doing a swell job back there. I certainly appreciate your remarks in regard to Nesmith and will bear him in mind if and when we decide to switch to a full-time arrangement. Best regards. Yours truly, a L. MeC. Jones, Director of Athletics.