wie through both eye and ear, the instructor giving explicit directions for cach excercise and demonstrating it. The instructor must bo com= pletely familiar with the execution of the ten exercises; he must be able to give a perfect performance. He must also master the tech- nique of giving the instructions. Each oxercise is demonstrated only once, and the pupils must all perform it before the next exorcise is introduced. The subjects must not imitate their classmates; they imitate only the instructor. The exercises aro as follows: l. Straddle Jump. Hands on hips. Start with foet togother in first center target. Jump astraddle to first two black squares. Return to feet-togethor position on second target. Procoed thus across mat in regular jumps, finishing on the finish targete 2- Staggor Skip Hands on hips. Start with feet together in front of the right lanee Step with left feet on first centor target and hop, still on left foot, to first black squere on left. Step with right foot to second conter target and hop, still on right foot, to second black square on right. Continue in regular skips across mate 3e Staggor Jump. Hands on hips. Feet together throughout the exercise. Start with feet together in front of right lance. Jump obliquely with both foot to first black square on right, then to second white square on left, finishing on finish targote 4. Forward skip, holding opposite foot from behind. Start with fect together before either right or left lano (optional). Step with right foot into first whito space, raising left foot behind and taking it with right hand behind right thighe Hop in this position on right foot to first black space. Rolease left foot, step with left foot to second whito space, lifting right foot behind and taking it with loft hand behind left thigh. Hop in this position on left foot to second black space. Continue thus across the mate 5. Front Roll Disregard all black markings and perform in the red lane. Start outside of chart in front of contor lane. Perform two front rolls, the first within the limits of the first half of the lane, the second within the limits of the second helf, never touching or over=-reach= ing the red lancs.