~4e touch or overereach the side-lines of tho red lane and must com- plete cach roll within the prescribed half of the lano, not over= reaching the ond markings. All the cxorcises must be performed with a reasonably erect and dignificd per wars: the position in the first threo oxcrcises is "hands on hips.e" In any exercise tho prescribod position must bo observed throughout the 6xercise.s The jumps must be performod with a rogular rhythm, about two (short) jumps to the second or five seconds for each oxorcisd. 1. Deduct one from the maximum score for each jump in which feot overestop squarcs or miss targot, one for cach jump in which foot do not land at the same timc, one if position is discontinuod somewhere in the oxercise, and one if rhythm is not maintainods (If a subject completes a jump with hools oversstepping a square, but lifted so as not to touch the canvas, tho jump is good.) 2e Score as in 1, except that fect do not come down together. 3e Score as in le 4. Deduct ono for cach stop or jump in which subject ovor- steps a square, or in which he does not have the proper position, or bothe Deduct one for lack of rhythm. 5. Count five for each roll. Doduct two for ovor-reaching red line right or left in cach roll. Deduct ono for over-reaching end limit on cach roll. For failure to perform a truo roll, deduct fivee 6. Five jumpse Deduct two for oach jump in which the subject docs not land with both feet on the targot, or turns the wrong way, or bothe 7» Score as in 5e, 8. Score as in 6e. 9. Score as in 5.2 Deduct one also if subjoct over=steps end border or executcs turn wronge : 10. Score as in 6; deduct two if subject fails to land on both fect, or over=stcps black square, or turns too far or not far eneugh,y or loses balance before starting next jumpe. Tho total points deducted, subtracted from the maximum of 100 gives the subject's score on tho physical skill teste: Soctions con be made according to scores, using five or any othor number of divisionse For five soctions, the divisions can be based on tha naturel curve of distribution. . In cach of tho oxtreme divie- sions =j{ll be: th © ro number of cases, and in cach of tho next ox- treme divisions the same muENO?’ 5 according to the several systems in common usc, as follows: Soction Leesesesvesve: 8% Soction Zeevesouasesvett Section Scoenss sana seSOh Section Genancdeeeeest4h Section HDeecesceerrseor 8%