lajor Lawrence eC, Jones, Mrector of Athletics, by mele: foi of Nebraska, Lincoln, Dear Biff: ebPasza. Mey I thank you a thousand times for your kindness in admitting us to the ball game Saturday. Ye steod on top of the press stand and re the game immensely. Congratulations have come you from all four corners of the United States, so it is useless for me to ad@ my little mite. However, I want you to know how wonderful it wag te see a Corne - husker team whip the nation’s cutstanding champions, — | . Of eourse, the credit goes to 4 great Nebraska team tutored anc inspired by the general of . the Nebraska football army, Biff Jones, Take your little bow, Biff, and step forward, It was a great achievement. However, I want to say thet I felt that the overflowing cup of pleasure received a decided tilting by the severe injury to Lidon dcliravy. vhon the boy hit the ground I said te Gwinn Henry, *That boy is critically injured". He never moved a ise. It always reminds mo, when a boy like that hits the earth, of a quail that receives a full load from a shotgun. He is dead to all inspection. : Mey I extend the best wishes of our entire University, beeause we are concerned over the injury of this boy. We are hoping and praying that on account of his family and himself, and the game in particular, he makes a complete and speedy recovery. I did not watch the game for a few minutes because I was watching the frightened mother and anxious father hasten to the dressing rooms, and as the ambulence pulled sway and swung out the west gate i saw the prostrated lad lying in the ambulance. I oO you were going to lose him before n * THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR October 23, 1937. Dr. F. C. Allen, Department of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: It was swell of you to send that letter after our Minnesota game. We were glad to have you and Gwinn come up. I have been so busy putting the pieces back together and with routine details in connection with starting the season that I have fallen behind in my correspondence. Hence the delay. Minnesota really had a power house. We are not over it yet. We've had plenty of difficulty the past two weeks and each Saturday now will be increasingly hard. I doubt whether we can play as perfect a game as we did against Minnesota, but here's hoping anyway. NelIlravy had a very narrow squeeze. I was sure we were going to lose him Saturday night after the game. However, he rallied Sunday and has shown steady improvement ever since. They operaged a week ago last Tuesday, removing a sizable clot which was pressing on the brain areas controlling speech and his right arm. Improvement was immediate and he was talking forty-eight hours later. It is quite a problem to keep him in bed as he wants out. They are letting him sit up in a chair today and I think he will leave the hospital sometime next week. Youth and grand physical condition, my dear Doctor, are a great combination. I told his family of your message and they appreciate it very much. I am looking forward to seeing you up here on November 6th. With best regards, Cordially, L. MeC. Jones, Football Coach. sind & dics, Aid Wieeecbin: soe pinks a ae before you shoot your mighty Huskers down on our eringing Kansange - You Imow, Biffer, you have really got me scared this times Next year I think we will start om even footing with you, because you will have lost a lot of that power thal you mow possess, same of it latent, perhaps, but I em afraid it will become chimerieal tow morrow nichts tam glad that you enjoyed the booke I we glad I had the publishers send it to you not only because you are the G@irector of athletics at Nebrasin, but ! remembered very well those mormings back in 1927, '28 or '25 when you and I were at Superior, Wisconsin, and I had the treatment of athletic injuries class very eaxly in the mornings You were a young energetic lieutenant from West Point at that tine scouting our good old friend, Pops But the thing that impressed me was that you never missed any of those early morning classes. I think you may like the Tales of Yesteryearse ee eee or at <7 Hows eouserning your camiserattion oF no on the alii te i ily act ee Bll Director of Physical Educati Varsity Basketball Coaches os apEuS H | mua sili Bs ti snr foctnlis Lots of s : suecess to you, old Biffer§ I aa yow chief mes THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR January 10, 19358. Dr. F. G.. Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog": I have just arrived back in the office this morning to find a letter from your publisher and also the copy of your book. Not being very much of a hand on the fine points of basket- ball, this is going to prove very interesting to me. I have already turned to the back and gone over your chapters on training. They are swell. Sorry to read of your troubles last Friday night. If you can be philosophical in such a situation, and 1 know you can, you will take a lot of satisfaction in knowing that no greaser could come to Oklahoma basketball. YoU Ur a ee Sue wS (ve With best regards, oe UO eta gle * Yours truly, By x } L. McC. Jones, Director of Athletics. i g° Bg ay i} "t Hu] i Tae i alia :: Hot i Ha i ih i Heat 2 ES Aa pe ana. pleasant sumer, I en yours, Director of Physical Biusation, Varsity Basketball Conchs THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN es DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR July 19, 1938. Dr. F. C. Allen, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog™: In reply to your letter of July 14th, I am very glad to know that you will be with us on November 12th for our Pittsburgh game. The price of the tickets is $5.00 each. John Selleck informs me that he will give you a location as close as possible to mid-field. We have had tremendous pressure on us for seats for this game and to the public our story has been that we have been sold out for a month. Best regards. Yours truly, i ftp Director of Athletics. duly 14, 1938. Le MeO. Jones, reeter ef Athieties, University of Nebraskh, . Lincoln, Nebrasktie Dear as sinless We cs ete sa take than to the Nebrasin~Pittcbargh gans i : wild understand of course thal I expeot to pay for for ail of them, but I would like to get a niee location. hope, of GUurse, it will uot conflict with eny of our homs gamese 4s goon és you send me the information -I will send you the ehesk. With kindest ee Io Very sincerely JOUrss Dirccter of Physical notion: PGALAH Vareity Pasketball Coache “ JERR =~ Ui % #E BD Sa oe aaa WE % MF WOR Government of Korea. %34) The # F MW) C ¢ rhs! E POST CARD Tovenker 8, 1987. : B : : 5 : ball hendiers as well as a group who will execute their funda} 2 E Fort Hall, Ida. Oet., 29,5: 2987. f Mr. Forrest C. Allen : : Director of P. E. and Intercollegiate Athletics University of Sansas, : 4 Lawrence, Sanses. : 4 ot Deer Mr. Allen: ; I wrote to you two years ago concern- : ing information and aid in coaching boys in beginning basket — ball. You refered me to your book called "My Basket Ball Bibke". At that time I was unable to send for it, last year I was not required to take the responsibility of the boys basket ball team, so did not give your book a thought . | This year it is my responsibility, and a I feel that your book is ‘fhe only.thim® thet will answer all : the questions + don't kno ,agpout voys basket ball. So please find enclosed a check for $4400 for a copy of your text on basket ball. Thanking for your letter of two years ago, arid the information about your book, I am ee : , Cordially yours, oo. Be p is 3 Lert Well, November 9, 1957s lire Bal Jeffrey, AttorneyeatqLaig Gtk Floor, National Tank Dldge, Topele, KenseGe . . \ Deer Friend Sals Inmedietely after your phone cali I Hy. Earl Palkenstien anc asked that he send you of in saonputing the amount due over the I gypped you out of ea dollar in the computation. et $2025 would be $12.25, instead of 912025, and | - plus the 16¢ insured postage makes 711.65 instead 112665 te gE i B gs Re : b Vre Felkenstien is mailins the tickets out to you today, end if your check comes for $12.65 he will mail the $1.00 to it certainly is a pleasure to lmow that you are going to be back in thig part of the comtry. We enticipate many . Pleasant visits with yous With Kindest regards, 1 em &. Your old coach, Wtober 7, 1957, (ie, Herbert L, Johnston, Department of Athletics, ce ceeertaes Arkansas, Fayettevi > Apkansas. Dear Herbert: I was very pleased to hear from you and happy indeed to know that you are in such a ens group. I quite agree with you that the group Apkansas coaches ere great fellows, “ive them my kingest regards. To make sure, I cheeked up with our medical adviser, Dr, A, J, Anderson, end he suggests that two grains three times a day of ecaleiwa sulphide be given to each one of tho boys who are troubled, In ' addition to that, he gives the shots twice a week, Of course, that is the serum for boils, I think it rather advisable if you will, of course, consult your medical physician on this as he would feel uch better, and the eens cee ee betweon trainer and physician is always best when all confi- Gences are discussed, I know, of course, that you — will @o this, | Give my kindest regards to Tommy Thompson and be essured that I am happy for you in your now Work. I will be happy to hear from you at any time, Good Inek? Sincerely yours, FCA: AE | Director of Physical Edueation, o stag | Khalai Wé ele UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS ae donke oe O of 541987 My 7 gruot C. hd metre eo a. Arpite on oS ae a fe ding to Vituabrnsnl ethic = be mark geatpuby ecrued Wall ue, cboom eo Tasily gore ts race — fog din Luh b pol f>rove 1 adirisnlupe, We Cerlatrly awe -4 DE EPARTMEN T OF ATHLETICS Setover &, 1937.6 tre ae oer lad Selsensity, Joffereon City, tio. Dear Nr, Jacksons I have delayed answering your letter of Septesber 23 because our Intrae-lural Eandvooks were not assembied until as aa de saad Zam enclosing one of nese Handbooks, = oe it will give you the information you 8 * With all good wishes, I au Sincere ly yours, | yenene Director of Physical Education. NL» LINCOLN UNIVERSITY FOUNDED AS LINCOLN INSTITUTE 1866 BY THE 62ND AND 65TH UNITED STATES COLORED INFANTRY, AND SUPPORTED BY THE STATE OF MISSOURI JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Sept. 25, 1837. ' Department of Physieei Zaucaticn Kanses University Lawrence, Kans. Deer Sire: | J em « stucent at Lineoln Univeraity, Jefferson, eity Missouri, in the depsrtment of physice] Educetion , and I am very suck intorentet in your Deperteent of Physical Rouse tion. i om trying to get an Adee ss to how your intre-murel gemes are conducted. I ast this infeormetion for the ios of onttie 5 tentetive chert for my eless rooms I would sppreeiete it very such if you eoulé eend me # oony of your Intre-aurel Lendbook. i sould #ied like to have a4 copy. of your aligibiiity rules. | I en inteteates in knowing how to organize Intre-mural sports and the kind of competition to lhevwe emone clacecs. Theskine you in advencse, Very Truly » yours Jemes Jackson Jemes Jnckeon fllen Nell Lincoln University Jefferson City, Mo. Miss Roberta Cook, President, Jay Jenes, Gaume Phi Beta House, Lawrenee, Kansas, Dear Miss Cook: ek fie, R. P, Townsend, of the Strathe more Company, is showing some new “Magic Slates" which I thought might interest the Jay Janes, This might be a good way to earn some money for the organization. Mr, Townsend wili explain his proposition, ~~ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education. January 25, 1938s We do not know whether you are living with the fanily or not, but this is one way to get word to you and let you know that we got your Christmas card and enjoyed ite Congratulations to you and the good wife, and the Allen’s wishes are that you will have many, many pleasant and prosperous years ahead. You know, when we saw the future Mrss Kemeth Johnson wo didn*t mow that Mrs. Allen's words were quite prophetic. She said, “Why don*t you have a double weddings?" You lmow lirse Allen always was long on this sentiment stuff that rings the bell. & You and Bill are two lucky guyse Orchids to F.C.A. from the two wives for a compliment like thati With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, x Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache rae Swan Johnson, 1150 Northeast 12th Ste, Okleahane City, Oklae oo We mailed you e copy of our new book, ‘hetter Basketball”, in which we have a very nice story, we think, —— your son, Williem. i trust that you enjoy it. We saw in the paper where William and his young wife made the matrimonial step and they are now visiting in — Oklahoma. Give them our love and best wishese We trust that you are all well, and that you will have © vory Horry Chrisians ani a very lappy aikd Prosperous New Years January Sy 19386 se oe sty , ) ‘Thank you for your letter of January bth, enclosing check for $4.00 for a copy of “Yetter Dasketball". Dees and myself, and we are mailing it to you today. I , ‘ Thanking you for the order, I an Divecter of Education, PFOA sAH Varsity Coache The Ellsworth Public Schools O. J. SILVERWOOD, Superintendent Ellsworth, Kansas Jan. 5, 1938 Dear Mr. Allen: 3 ae Find entlosed check for 4.00 for the book Kenneth Dees asked for you to send. I would be very much pleased to have have your, autograph and also Elwyn's. ea Yours, George Jelinek Jdenuary 14, 1988> ns dea Oe ery lydraulios Laboratorye Dear Jalw: You will notice that the bekk whieh I had hoped but sane of this stuff is dome in ratner chatty fashion, and I hops you will enjoy it. : ‘ Physical FCASAN Varsity Dasketball Coaches Deceuber 13, 15370 ts cdi Wibistong Whnie thabianbiiny: Nintaiies and other teams for four straight nights this weeks So, as much es I would like to came to’ a ee ee ee = ee ee ee conflicts. I regret this, but hopo that cone tine ant will have more time. I trust, however, that | not be when they are wilking slowly behind mos _ Sood lute to yous Fratormallys Varsity Daskettell Couch, a eG RE RR EE Sed FORREST C. ALLEN, Gel LA. ae... LANRENCE, KANS. ANNUAL MEETING ; oe - ANNUAL MEETING cae a MASONTEETEMPLE Lawrence Lodge “Nee 6 AwF. & A. M. a ee Dear Brother? The Annual Stated Communication of this Lodge will be held in the Temple Monday evening December 13, 1937, opening at 7:30 o’clOck, for the election of officers and any matters of business that may come before the Lodge. Your presence is earnestly requested for this, the last Stated Communication of the year. Fraternally, W. H. Quakenbush, Secy. Frank H, Jones, W:M: March 1, 1958.5 we have beon ewuamped with orders for tickets for the Méssouri game, but I am sure Ure Falenstien will de the best he can for yous Sincerely yours, Director of Piaysical Education, h Varsity Backetball Conche | ee ' Glevened "Red" Burt is a good and a simere ee ee oe ae ate es ae ministration that be full of progress end on the up- Gradoe : ‘Wath all good wishes fron the Allen family, I on Se Director of Physical Education,