corded by an assistant. This method allowed comparison upon each re-examination against the preceding examination. Involvement of Infectios Each individual selected for control presented a definite acute or severe chronic infection. The nail beds of seventeen of the control group were involveds Past history showed nine men were hospitalized due to either cellulitis of toes or foot, and glandular adenopathy javereine the in- guinal region, or red streaking which was indicative of acute Lymphan- gitis due to eines wieetinn, Twenty-seven presented cases extending to the plantar surface, sides or heel of the foot and causing inability to work on the feet, In ten cases the hands were afflicted, two severelye Re-examinations The first examination of the sixty-seven controlled cases were made Auge ust 29, Each re-examination was made on every Monday and Thursday includ ing the final examination Thursday of this October 9, In some iaphinaien the re-examination did not catch the entire number of individuals examined the time before. However, upon the completion of the final test, fifty~ one of the total sixty-seven cases offered camplete and final evidence to report. Sixteen of the original sixty-seven cases had either been trans= ferred, or for other reasons, were notayuilable for results at the cone clusion of the test. Results of Controlled Cases Thirty-four of the completed fifty-one controlled cases were decidedly negative, showing normal epidermis upon the final examination. Approxi- mately eight or ten of these eases showed negative even as early as. the