May 4, 1944. qd) A Mr. Lyle fT. Quinn, Executive Siew, Towa High Sehool Athletic Association, Boone, ima = Dear sine pe wt. GE Se 2 Naturally | - ida, “ike ane have some contact with eaniietiiadi. pce Stings! = sos ele ce etree it since 1907 and have been steadily at it, and since this is my major sports activity I would’ ~*~ much prefer to-teach that than to teash treatment of athletic injuries. Of-eourse, I the treatment of athletic injuries for the reason that T realized se mny cosches knew so little about the machine ay" were —— with." ime games than if I lost the key man. | I reseived an injury in 1905 playing football and for two I suffered with a severe sacroeiliac which impaired my athletic effioc- iency no end. Therefore, I resolved to do something about it so the fellows who should come under my observation would be taken better care of than I was, and this was the motive that prompted me to study. I am very proud of the men that I have out in the field whom I heavs trained. Milton Kelley, at present head trainer at the University of Texas, Jimmie Cox, head trainer at Harvard University, Roland Logan who was at West Point and is now in the Southwest Pacific, Elwyn Dees who was at Nebraska after having served Oklahome Aggies and the Univer~ sity of Pittsburgh, and who is now at Iowa Pre-Flight, and Dean Nesmith, our present treiner. All of these boys were athletes at the University of Kansas and during their undergraduate days I taught them the funda- mentals of athletic training. If you sare to, you could invite any of the athletes in or varsity soaches who have bad injuries, or high school boys of the state who have so-called incurable enkles, kmees and shoulders received in athletic oon- tests. I remember several years ago I taught basketball for five sumers at Springfield, Mass., YM.G.A. College. I also gave the course in treat- ment of athletic injuries. During the school session many athletes from around Boston came down. One cage in point was Eddie Shore who played on the Boston Hookey team and who later muaged the Springfield, Mass., team end is now the manager of the Buffalo Hockey Club. ‘Eddie Shore came in