@2e with a bad Imes. I worked on it and apparently was ee ai because about six or seven years ago he called me from Springfield, Mass e I was at Iowa State College where Kansas was playing a basketball game. ile sent a player out to m frevr Sprinzfield to Lawrence, Kansas, and was making the date over the telephone. He told me that after I fixed his kaee he was @ble to go ahead and meke $40,000 playing hockey. Previous to the work on his knee he had been laid up for a year or two go that he — was inoapacitated. The joke of the thing is that I did not charge any fee, nor did he send me any of the $40,000. — Rewitiab:°1'44h fale adie’ good luck with his hockey player and he didn°t forget me on that issue. This put winter Eddie Shore recommended that the Cleveland Hockey Club send one of their’star players, which they did. I only mention these incidents to prompt the thought that doubtless you could suggest that some of these old stars oy the present stars who are injured might oome in for a lookesee to determine whether we might help them. That: always stimulates interest and attendance. ie : I do trust that the program is so that I might have a session in basketball especially, and I would stress these points - first, how to develop fundamentally a fast break in basketball; secondly, the best method of stopping a fast break; and thirdly, how to meet a situation when the opponents take you all over the floor a la Gene Johnson's razszle dazzle. I velieve those three points are very apropos at this time. I am perfectly willing to leave the mtter in your hands and we will agree on this schedule as you have outlined it - that I will appear three days for you but will agree to stay four days so that I can make the contacts that you desire. It is always a pleasure for me to met with the men and since you pay me the compliment that you do, you kuow people are always vain enough to recognize those things. I would, however, very much like to have a session on basketball. I believe you umderstand the point that I am making and that basketball is my main business, and that theory of athletic injuries and treatment of them are not at the present time, — I have developed some outstanding mete I am very sure that with Mr. Olsen's theory of isihabing the floor two feet and mine of raising the basket two fect we should have some fun. I always knew Mr. Olsen was quite an economist, and dropping the floor would entail no oat © Very sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education, FCA :AH 3 | Varsity Basketball Coach. /