H. E. ILSLEY - SPIRIT LAKE BOARD OF CONTROL)! TREASURER FRANK W. DOUMA - OTTUMWA Cc.L. ELLIS - NEW PROVIDENCE IRWIN W. EDIE - RUDD 0. C. VARNER - DIAGONAL SOUTHEAST CENTRAL NORTHEAST SOUTHWEST Li S2 DES MOINES BUILDING LY les pena Seer wy £2 LE Pon: oO NE 44-4543 DES MOINES, l|OWA Boone, Iowa April 28, 1944 Dre Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am really not surprised that you couldn't understand our letter of April 20th. The point I was trying to make was this: That we would be very happy to*hold a session open for you'at our Coaching School should you desire to say anything regarding basketball. I was not sure at the time I wrote to you. how many of the other men we would be able to finally secure in basketball. If one or more of them couldn't come, we then might like to have you double in basketball in which event, of course, we would be prepared to pay you accordingly. As it now stands, let us go ahead on the. assumption that you will devote two hours a day on a general session of athletic injuries and if you can: conelude this subject in-three days, we would be pleased to pay you $50.00 a day and if you could arrange to stay an extra day with us, making four days although you need not appear ina general session, we would allow the extra allowance of $25.00 for transportation. The point is that the men enjoy so much their contact with you and I thought too that you might be inclined to spend a day.in relaxation. \ I still want to leave the program open so that if you desire a session in basketball, we. would be glad to arrange it. However, as the matter now stands, let us assume that you would concentrate on athletic injuries. Mr. Thomas.is going to attend our school and be a member of our rules panel. We plan to have a basketball rules. panel with three members of the basketball rules committee on this panel. These fellows would be Harold Olsen of Ohio State, Porter, and myself. -I think a very interesting discussion might come out of this panel if you were present in the audience as I.would like to have a clarification of your proposal and Harold Qlsen's. You have suggested that the goals