and what net. . . . The pest had an ever-victerieus feetball team and naturally I was tagging aleng as the Dec. All the players were from the Seuth Pacifie, all had malaria and mest ef them had been weunded frem ene te feur times. I was preud te tag alemg with such a gamg. We played junier ceblege league teams and it was imteresting te nete that eur gang, that had been killing Japs with their hands, played a let cleaner than the pure and umsullied children in the eppestitien. . . . Saw seme action in Chima, and that is a feat as there is but little ef it te see eut there. Was in Burma when Merrill's eutfit meved in. This is the first medicine I have seen fer twe yearse In China was teaching mule-packing and the care and feeding ef the Temay gute Was recommended fer a "purty" fer hereism in fighting a rear guard actien but will ne deubt end up by being fined fer hunting witheut a license as a medice sheuld shed comfert and net ammunitien. "Irma, Sam (age 8) amd I are living dm a humting ledge, 7 miles frem camp, whieh is 2 miles frem the berder. Plenty ef deer, quail, ducks and basse Have am eutbeard and am able te get a let dene aleng these lines. Sam is a hamdy little kid, all Army. He ean make a dry camp in the desert, ceek, sheet and de fer himself better than mest adults. We have a let ef fume « « « Schiller Shere, Majer Inf., is the enly K.U. representative I saw in China. Came back frem Panama with Capt. Beb Merrisen. We parted eempany in Besten. Things are beeming dewn here and will beem mere then the Saipam casualties ceme in. There is a let te be dene yet and patching up the returnees will be a big jeb fer seme time te come." By way ef emphasis as te the preper cenduct ef civilians when eur boys return, is Wayne "Bill" Replegle's revealing letter, written frem Oakland Naval Hespital: “Just a nete te tell yeu that all's well here at this hespital. After werking 6 weeks with erthepedies, I have spent anether 6 weeks with eut- side athleties fer men whe are abeut te return te duty er are being discharged. Here ene learns that war is serious, herrible, dirty amd that there is ne such thing as glery - ne medal, ne sympathy, ne nething puts the missing arm, leg er eye back en the man - and its hard te make seme ef them smile. But I've feund that being natural and friendly, just like at heme in Kansas, dees mere than anything. My greatest mement and thrill was 2 weeks age when Ed Hall walked inte the fieldheuse and let eut that glerieus laugh and teld me he was assigned te werk with me with eutside athleties. I've never been se darn glad te be with semeene in my life as it has been te be with a real Kansan, as yeu knew Ed Hall is." When the beys ceme back the quiekest way in the werld te seal their meuths and their seuls ferever is te ask them hew many Japs er hew many Nazis they get. They want te talk abeut Massachusetts Street, Meunt Oread, the feetball, the basketball, the baseball and the traek sceres. They want yeu te tell them abeut the bullfests at the Jayhawk and the Reck Chalk. They want te knew if Make Gette is still at the Eldridge Hetel, and if the ceffee gag still dreps im during the heurs ef the merning te run ever the hereic achievements ef each and every ene ef yeu beys whe are everseas. The last three nights a greup ef men, werking under the name ef the Civic Actien Ceuncil, have been meeting and have eutlined a twe-feld purpese: "Te have a censtructien and city face lifting plan which will enceurage veterans te return te Lawrence and te previde many ef them with early empleyment; and, te areuse greater civie pride threugheut the community." The Lawrence Victery Plan is the slegan ef this greup, whe are determined te have a Lawrence, Kansas, that is wide awake te the imperative needs ef these returning veterans. Listed belew are eight peints fer an alert Lawrence: 1. The entire tewn must be net enly acquainted with the Victery Plan but must 7 152.