Frem Lt. Dean K. Brooks, M.C. (APA 46, San Frameisce): "Yesterday I went ashere and visited the spet where T. P. Hunter was killed. I talked te several ef the men whe served under him. They certainly praised him te the skies. They teld me ef seme ef his hereie acts en ether fields ef battle. John Krum and I are going up and visit his grave in the next few days. « « « Had dimmer with Art Nichels (K.U. '43) the ether night and while there met anether K. U. Mam, Deam Kipp, M '43, frem Jumctien City. As usual the cen- versatien drifted areund te Pheg's basketball team. We all figure that if we take 0.U. at Lawrence we'll win the champienship. Hew abeut it? I'll bet these beys weuld certainly be surprised if they knew hew much guys eut here are pulling for them. I wender if they think abeut the guys eut here as much as these fell- ews de abeut them." And a letter from Cpl. Charles Lear, with the Marine Cerps in the Pacific, assures us that he is ceming te visit us when he returns te the States te tell us mere abeut T. P. We have never getten anything enly the mest tender ex- pressiens frem all ef T. P.'s buddies. He was a man beleved ef all men. Lt. Dave Shirk wrete frem Benning Park, Celumbus, Ga., late in January te say that he expected te repert teadvance efficer's scheel some time in February, and when he finished there he weuld deubtless get an everseas assign- ment. Yeu really have what it takes, Dave, and we are very preud ef yeu. Yes, indeed, I remember Bill Sapp very well; and alse Larry Kennedy. I appreciate all the fine things yeu are deing fer these beys, and we hepe they will cheese K. U. : I received frem Rev. Rebert A. Hunt, ef Salina, a cepy ef a leng letter he had had from Ems. Rebert E. Hunt, which cencluded with the fellewing paragraph: “There are many things I will explain after the war that I cannet tell mew. Even in these baek areas, I have had my thrills. It is net all dull. I have flewn 7,000 miles ever the Pacific Ocean; sometimes in very severe sterms. Our trips en these LCT's take refuge within the ceral reefs." Best ef luck te you, Beb. Frem Ens. Re F. "Dick" Miller, VS-52, Sam Francisce: “Am new in the Hawaiian area, but net fer leng. Expect te leave in the next fewdays. I haven't run inte very many Jayhawkers, but when I de we always have a big time. e e e Please say helle te all whe are still there, and te these whe read your Rebeunds. The newsletter is great. Keep them coming." Judging from the Camp Butner News (Nerth Carolina), the pest speeial service chief, Majer Frank J. Ammeberg is keeping busy previding eppertunities fer recreatien fer patients ef the U. S. Army General and Cenvalescent Hespital and returmees ef the AG and SF Redistributien Statien. Glad te hear frem R. W. “Diek" Farris, Phile/e, APA 197, Sam Francisee, formerly of Garmett, Kamsas. Dick, we are putting Capt. Ferrest Me Chapman en eur mailing list. I reeeived a highly interesting letter frem Lt. C. W. "Chuck" Elliett, APO 321, San Francisee, and am really serry that space ferbids me elaberating mere fully en his letter. Chuck was im the Philippines at that time, and had he ag heurs te his credit. But that was ever a menth age. Lets ef luck, US Ke Lt. (jg) Frank M. Bukaty is with the Armed Guard. He played en eur feot- ball teams ef 1938 and 1939, and baseball in 1939. “Buck" writes: "Since ceming abeard this vessel a let ef water has gene under my feet. Have visited 157.6