several menths age, Dec. I figured yeu knew what yeu were talking abeut. .. We are still in there driving, Dec, se keep epen a place fer us. We wen't be gene tee much lenger." ? Yeu bet, Jehnny, we have already reserved a big wide epen space fer you here en Mt. Oread. As far as I am concerned, yeu can build yeur heuse ri ght en this recke Frem Mid'n. He. D. "Sparky" MeSpadden, USS Prairie State, New Yerk, N.Yo3 "I guess first ef all yeu and the team are due a great deal ef congrats on these victeries against Iewa State and Kansas State. Deane and I were eut tegether Sat. night and were thinking ef yeu all at game time. I think Dean said that game against O1U. was the first he had missed in 8 years. We had a great time visiting, and hew queer it was that we sheuld be "Bulling" here in N.Y. = this war has caused many a funny meeting, I guess." And Frem T/5 Virgil Wise, 123 Gen. Hesp., APO 121 B, New Yerk: "I theught I had better drep yeu a line te let yeu knew that I am still knocking areund this tern up eld werld. I received yeur ever faithful and appreciated Jayhawk Rebounds abeut a weekage and will say that I was very deeply teuched abeut T. P.'s mishap. If yeu remember, I was ene ef these small fry, se te speak, that T. P. always patted en the back when things get reugh. e e There has been a slight change in my intentiens fer my pest-war educatien. Due te the experience gained, and the interest which has been built up in me, in surgery, I am planning en transferring frem the Scheel ef Educatien te the Scheol ef Medicine." Cengratulatiens, Virg. We will be tickled te death te see you an eutstanding medice. Yeu have the ability, amd it will be geed te eall yeu Decter Wise. Yeur name sheuld give yeu prestige! Frem Lt. Herace M. Mason, Transpert Divisen 54, Staff, Fleet Pesteffice, San Francisee: "Have just been reading ever my file ef Jayhawk Rebounds and certainly get a bang eut ef them. It's been a full year new since I ran inte a fermer K.U. athlete and being able te read abeutall the guys I used te kick areund with fills a big gap. Last Jayhawk athlete I saw was Nerman Sanneman, yeur wild man ef a ceuple years back. He's a Civil Engineering efficer, and was abeut te sheve eff with a Seabees eutfit. « « We're in pert fer a ceuple ef days right new and are taking it easy. The heat is terrifie en this side ef the equater, but the nights are wenderful. The trepies have their peints, altheugh I haven't heard ef any ef the guys coming up with the idea that they'@ like te stay in these parts after the war. Hepe your ball club is kmecking them dead this seasen, as they have dene se eften in the past. I haven't seen any basketball since March ef '43 when I was still at Great Lakes. Am attached te the staff ef a flag efficer and eur mailing address is the division designatien, rather than the name ef the attack transpert we are abeard." Me Je "Milt" Sullivant sends his change ef address to the Athletic Dept., NATTC, Chieage 17, Ill. Milt, if yeu will send Ed Westerhaus's address we will put him en the mailing list fer the Rebeunds. Ems. Miehael Gubar, APA 163, Fleet Pesteffice, San Francisce. Mike, your letter was a masterpiece and gesh, hew I wish that we ceuld print the whele thing. It is an epistle that the apestles of jeurnalism sheuld read. Iam sure that I read yeur letter with mere interest than yeu read the Rebeunds. When yeu ceme back te the States I think yeu will capitalize on your experience as a reperter fer the Kansas City Star. Yeu write a chatty and a darn in- teresting cemmunicatien. 161.