ae alien CHinia W. E. SMITH, BUSINESS MANAGER MISS JOSEPHINE PARSONS, R. N., CLINIC NURSE L. S, NELSON, M. D. MISS MAUDE DUNN, SECRETARY K. L. DRUET, M.D. PORTER BROWN, M. D. MISS FRANCIS: BERTSCHE, B. S., TECHNICIAN GEO. E. STAFFORD, M. D. SUITE 408 FARMERS UNION BLDG. Salina, ‘Kansas May 23, 1938 De. F. G. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phogs Thank you very kindly for your letter regard- ing Miss Ruth Baker. We understand that she is an unus- ually fine person and well educated. I hope that if she comes here her work will be highly satisfactory and that it will be a pleasant job for her. It is easy for these mixtures to come into recommendations, as there are so many applicants. I am not at all surprised that such a thing occurred. I hope this finds you well and happy and the school year so near out that you are making big plans toward starting to lure the trout, and here is ae you have lots of luck at it. Sincer yours, a L. S. Nelson, M.D. LEN:D