ee ee of Physical Edueation, aa lat dagiten, Californias I have been informed by Bugene Billups that he is applying for a graduate fellowship in physical educa- tion at your school. He beat secueehed Shek X wnthe gon concerning his qualifications. He is perhaps the leading male student in our Ne is @ personable young man, department scholasticallys ‘@apable and responsible. I feel quite sure that he will Se ee rc Caen Conners lie has assisted me at tines with muy fresix : 2 classes. < beliove that Mre Billups is the type of individ- — ual who should be nove and more attracted to our fields 4 Sincerely yourtis Ure Je Ae Billingsley, Huren Building, Kantns City, Hansecs - Dear Ire Billingsleys I was in Kensas City this afternoon and gave tickets to Tou Van Cleave, Sre, for the superintendent, principal, coaches and playerse I thought it would be echiay SO Landis Sie matter this way, 06 tat you need not be bothered with this details Manager, NeCeAsAs Basketball Tourmments Lawrence, Kansas Mareh 29, 1940 Mitte Ee Be Black, Hilton Hotel, E12 PABO, TOXAS » Dear Mrs Blacis I an very grateful to you for your fine note of the 27th instante I had heard about these statements of licBride's, but was out of tow and did not get to see the papers Thank you so much for sending it to mee I am very glad to have ite Sincerely yours, ) Manager, NeCeAcis Basketball Tournament. LUBBOCK AND PLAINVIEW, TEXAS - LONG BEACH, CALIF. AND ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. THE HILTON HOTELS — EL PASO ° WHEREVER YOU GO LOOK FOR A HILTON Fe. ae 3727/19 DRAKE IN SAN FRANCISCO ALSO HILTON OPERATED Lawrence, Kansas March 29, 1940 ‘litte Maurice Breidenthal, Seourlity Natioral Bank, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear MaurLee s | - Iam holding the date of April 12th for your Junior Chamber of Cammeree luncheon at 128166 It will be a pleasure to meet with your Cordially yours, Manager, NeCeAsle Basketball Tournanent. MAURICE’ L.BREIDENTHAL, Presitoent MILTON W.FELD, Vice Presioent CLAUDE: LE. WIES ONS CaAsHieR LAWRENCE S.BLUM, Asst. Casnier MAURICE L.BREIDENTHAL Jr. Asst. CasHier LORAINE McKENNA, Asst. Casnier eS S €DERAL peseRYe MIN NE SOA AVE VAT SEVENTH KANSAS CITY, KANSAS March 28, 1940. Dr. Forrest C. Allen The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: In talking to your Secretary today, I discovered that you were engaged for April 5th, but you had Friday, April 12th open. I requested her to reserve this date for the Junion Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City, Kansas. This organization will entertain the Basketball teams of Wyandotte High and Ward High on that date with luncheon at 12:15. I hope it will be agreeable with you to attend this phi siaees and make a. talk to the boys. With continued good wishes, I am President. MLB: LM March 24, 1940 Kangase Dear Tim and Jimny it was swell of you to wire us as you did last nighte The whole crowd wis there when it came end I yaanel 06 scund te a Yortes ond all the tae Rvery= one of then appreciated it greetly. Those last few seconds were exciting, but since you sent the wire I __ mew you managed to live through it alle i With best wishes, I am Tim and Jim Beamon, Leavermorth, Cordially yours, Memager, N.CeiA. Basketball Tournament. A.C. BURROWS GENERAL AGENT W. G. MYERS PASSENGER REPRESENTATIVE W. J. HottmMann PASSENGER REPRESENTATIVE NEW" YORK a SYS TEM a gohan — 912 Fairrax BUILDING es S Boston VICTOR 6384-6385 Nonew Yar KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI — ” March 25, 1940 Dear Dr. Allen: The results Saturday night sure made me feel good - a worthy son of a worthy sire and I don't mean to detract from the rest of the team either. The job was well done. We have not forgotten the friendly greetings in days gone by, at your hands and simply want you to know that like the "Elephant" we don't forget. With best wishes, Sincerely, . ACB/c Dr. -F. ©. Alien Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Pitsctcinsts ts 23s Mre John Re Bovard, Deyartment of Physical nnentian, ‘University of California, Los Angeles Branch, Los Angeles, Calife Dear Mrs Bovards Bugene Billups, one of our seniors, has © requosted that 1 write you regarling his qualifications for a — os at UCeLeAe I have had Mre Billups in several of ny glasses, and I find that he is one of the best students we heave in the department. le has always mde good grades in the classes in which I heave had hime He is of good moral character, and since his interest is not directed entirely ‘toward the athletic side of physical education, IT am confident that he will grow to be a fine leader in the field of physical education. ; 7 _-Z have absolute confidensee in his ability 8 ey Seen Bet SeS Elna . You will notice that I do not hesitate to en Ee Re Elbel, Agssoce Professor, Physical Educatione rere f = Ww. C. SIMONS, PRESIDENT J. W. MURRAY, MANAGING EDITOR DOLPH SIMONS, BUSINESS MANAGER THE LAWRENCE DAILY JOURNAL-WORLD — AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS BY THE WORLD COMPANY NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES PRINTERS, BINDERS, BLANK BOOK MAKERS LORENZEN & THOMPSON INC. NEW YORK, 28 WEST 44TH ST. CHICAGO, 333 N. MICHIGAN AVE. LAWRENCE, KANSAS KANSAS CITY, 1004 BALTIMORE AVE. OFFICES ALSO IN ATLANTA, DETROIT, CINCINNATI, f LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, Mar 26 ;‘ 1940 AND ST. LOUIS. Mr. George Bowles, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Bowles: I would like to put in a bid for a working press ticket for the kansas-indiana game Satpitday night. Four days prior to the games last week I wrote you for a ticket but received no reply and it was only at the last minute that I managed to get in thru the efforts of Horace Mason and Spike Claassen of the aP. aS representative of the home paper of one of the two competing teams, I feel I have a valid request. 1 do not wish to wait an hour and trust to luck that I can get word in to Claassen for help. The doormen are quite naturally dubious of such requests and lend no cooperation, If you are unable to send me a ticket at the moment, please let me know wheR& i can pick it up Saturday night. Sincerely, Bob Busby sports dito ——— —— So ee ee JOURNAL-WORLD iA he Nel es ae Ae ei aE ieee Nh oe a Se a we ines sei ei SR a as ee, a EAS iia i eae Dh ilNae i S| AS ae a a aed ‘CLASS OF SERVICE BOLS This is a full-rate : DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NL=Night Letter m unless its de- - erred character is in- Ko LC=Deferred Cable ted by a suitable ie. symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. | R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. C. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram Ca = N PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT et ‘The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination RH-LEAVENWORTH KANS 1140P "AR 25 1940 DR FG ALCEN CONTINENTAL HOTEL KSC BEST BASKETBALL GAME EVER ECHO CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES SEE YOU Jin AND. TI BANNON 11346P THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 “SYMBOLS Bae is a ae a DL=Day Letter elegram or Cable- = oa —s its de- > NL=Night Letter | ferred character is in- =Deferred Cabl dicated by a suitable . i . symbol above or pre- \ NLT =Cable Night Letter coding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. SC. WILLEVER \__ShipRadiogram adiogram PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination t+ TAS AW Fi AR LUSYRA A iv Sus re ft i gee fe. Pe elie ye Se a ae c ‘ i} | \ 2 ORO Dp Pi j =OKLAHG HIV’ i i ke iN bad 16 pF \NSAS UNIVERSITY B CTRAI | KANSAS iv ENS BASKETBALL rye rs OKG | = yA PELE TA MVLIAW i ALINE U ao iy 1 bar ye iN as, &. Dh aw. Ly) 1940 (7 G.. foo eve ce, : iecgeteites! 5 ee 7 : ee a ee Pett ee es Ue Chet aevnhineh 2 tabi ~~ Pte oe ee evel, Yon verte eo ee ge Gh oe ; March 19, 1940. Drs P. ©. Alien, Dept. of thysical Hduecation, Head Basket Ball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, “ansas. My dear Doctor: It was simply wonderful, and to me it was a glorious thine to crash through in the face of strmg opposition, a hostile croud, psychological disadvantazes and all that went with it. It was an added pleasure to be with yo. The Hayes and the RBurnsides were proud to be your euests at the game. It was very thoughtful of you. It strikes me that the University of Kansas needed such a victory to give it a little spark. We wish for you and the boys all of the joys of victory, and we will be pulling a hundred per cent for you this weekend, With kindest personal regards to you and yours, I am : | ejncere ly yours, oe ee COB :MB = “PAPER IS OUR BUSINESS AND NOT A SIDE LINE” Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Versity Basketball Coaches 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $150.000.00 W. K,. BRAMWELL, PRESIDENT D. D,. BRAMWELL, VICE PRESIDENT J. H. BOEHMLER, CASHIER FRED A, KEEPF, ASSISTANT CASHIER J. M. BOOTS, ASSISTANT CASHIER HAMPTON, IOWA March 2, 1940 Mr. Phog Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Congratulations and congratulations! You are the best darned basketball coach in the United States. I see that you beat Missouri last night, which virtually means another Big Six Conference. I believe this is about 23 out of 30 years'coaching. You have made a wonderful record, Phog, and may you continue to be successful and happy. Best regards, WKB/K W. K. Bramwell rpenter Paper Company, Oklahom City, Oklahommt. Deer Cob: , After the smoke of the battle has cleared away Tt want you to know thet your letter and your influence -had mach to do with Kansas‘ vistory. ‘The boys greatly appreciated your wonderful message, and when they think of Oklehom. they elways think of Ce 0. Burnsidee Very cordially yours, Feb. 29, 1940 De. fF. C.. Alien, University of Aansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: We are going ahead with plans for the lunchon at the Skirvin Hotel a week from Friday Noon, but our thoughts are not on that so much as they are on the game with the tigers tomorrow night. 1 don't know of anyone that isn't keyed up to a white heat about that. We are still weak from the Aggie-O0.U. Game.: .1t was really quite an athletic event and 1 will tell you all about it when we have you down here. 1 wish you all the breaks and all of the luck and lots of power to your kids. 1 have seen every team in the league, including your own and believe you me, 1 am one guy who thinks we are going to haul the flag up over our roof. With kindest personal regards to the boys, Mrs. Allen and yourself, 1 am Sincerely Yours, ee ty oe “PAPER IS OUR BUSINESS AND NOT A SIDE LINE” Dee vais som BOARD OF HEALTH BENJAMIN R. ALLISON, M. D. CHAIRMAN RICHARD DERBY, M. D. MRS GENESTA M. STRONG REV. ARTHUR B. KINSOLVING, 2nbD CHARLES NELSON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BAR BUILDING. MINEOLA, N.Y. EARLE G. BROWN, M. D. COMMISSIONER WILLIAM H. RUNCIE, M. D. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER March 4, 1940. Derr Doctor Allen: Although I saw the score of Friday night's game in one of the NY Saturday morning papers, the Topeka Capital arrived today and I read the trilling details. It sounded great and congratulations to you on the team on the fine victory. Of course you know I am pulling for a win in that final game with Oklahoma, Although we will soon be away from Kansas three years, we still retain our interest in the many things that go on in the State. I am still just as good a "rooter" for KU as when I lived there, Perhaps it may sound strange to you, but I have only seen four basketball games in the past two years. Two in a double header at Madison Square Garden last year and two in the same place last week. Somehow or other the basketball back here does not seem to be the same as played in the midwest, One game last week was between Pittsburg and Fordham, with the former on the long end of the score. Neither team impressed me at all. Most of the scoring was from long shots near the center of the field, or that is the way it impressed me. In the second game, NYU beat Georgetown. The soore at the half was 10-4 NYU, but they came back with a bang in the second half. NYU looked more like the teams I have seen in action before leaving Kansas, as they really had some scoring plays instead of taking long shots, However, I did see plenty of pro football which is polished football. Saw six or seven games, some close scores and some with lop~-sided scores, Of course | you know that Potsy Clark was the coach of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and the team had @ poor season, I think due principally to lack of real players. Potsy lives in Garden City and I had two or three visits with him during the fall. Of course there are lots of other activities. I was fortunate in securing a season pass to the Brooklyn baseball club, although only saw about a half dozen games during the year. Saw the Giants and Yankees in action two or three times each, For variety, saw the Ambers-Armstrong fight. Naturally had many fishing trips which you know is something I really enjoy. Fishing is an almost year round sport here. As a matter if fact, I have a trip planned for March 20, provided it is not too cold then. No big ones last year, the largest weighing qs pounds, Was hooked on to two tuna, both weighing probably 65 to 75 pounds each, but just as the mate attempted to gaff them the leaders broke. I'll try it again this summer, Am enjoying the work very much. I took over in March 1938 and began the work of organizing a full-time health department. At the present time there are some full-time employees and three more will be added in the very near future. We have @ good sized budget, $225,433 for the year 1940. Josephine is a sophomore at Duke and enjoying her work very much. Richard is a law student at NYU-thinks it is much more difficult that his work at Baker. Mrs. Brown and I are both in good health. Some time I hope you will bring your team to Madison Square Garden and really show these folks what basketball is, I can assure you our family would be there and give you our moral support. When you do come east, we'll expect you to come out and see us in Nassau County. We are only 40 minutes by train from the Pennsylvania station. With kind regards, Sincerely, ie eg Soa ee ae Ae March 6, 1940 poctor F.C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrance, Kansas My Dear Doctor Allen: You are very thoughtful to remember and acknowledge gestures of your friends and well wishers even in your busiest moments. Tt was rather complimentary to think that you would find time to write on the day of your most important-Missouri game. We were so excited Friday night that we decided to eat down- town and go to a victure show, so we would not see a single person who would ask us how the game would come out. Leaving the show we charged home and nearly passed out when we got the good news. Vorothy was so excited that she was afraid that she must have misunderstood, so I had to call the second time. You see the Missouri team made a tremendous impression on us down here. In fact, I thought it was the greatest Big Six team that I had seen in years and TI don't see how you over came that handicap in size and experience. [It really is a notable victory and I don't know when I have felt so good about anything. We have reserved a block of tickets for the K.U. Alumni for the game Friday night. It looks like we will have a fine turn out for the luncheon and I know you will be ready to give them a fine talk. However, it does look like it was pretty rough treatment to ask you to say something to our people on the dw of a game, which means sO much to you and your boys. However, you are one of those swell guys that go all the way for your friends, so we will have you in the speakers groove and I will attempt to introduce the 'Kids' and get them properly acquainted with our folks. From all appearances Mr. Iba, is most ambitious. He wmts to control the way we settle the Big Six Championship, the date of the N.C.A.A- play off and then wedge in the Madison Square Garden Tournament for a little extra dough. “PAPER IS OUR BUSINESS AND NOT A SIDE LINE” My friend, it will be quite well to pin his ears back in the district play off. He does a creditable job and I think he has a fine bunch of mechanical robots out on the floor this yearbut candor forces me to admit that T must join the other 2,000,000 people in Oklahoma who would like to see him get a good swift kick in the pants. Doctor, I think your kids must have played a better game against Missouri than at Stillwater, for I can't get it out of my mind that Missouri was really great this year. I am very proud of the boys and doubly proud of the old mastero for the way he has brought this club along and entered the stretch out in front, [ hope you have your kids in good mental and physical shape for the game Friday night. Heaven only knows about 0.U.. They may be up above the Denver Nuggets or they may be down below the [ola Highschool friday night. I just want you to know that you have my permission to kick thellt out of them and you can pass the in- formation on to : boy Bob that he has the noisest, boisterous and enthusiastiofn 0.0.3. Jr. He developed a crush on him at Stillwater and De Bernardi, Bill Johnson and Andy Reck and have all been relegated to scrap heap of "has beens.” fT don't know how it happened, but Dorothy heard him frothing tcome on Robby" all through the game at Stillwater and he has been extolling the wonders of Bobby Allen since. ; Hasn't this been quite an exciting season for basketball? These close games are almost too much for me and so I am in light training for the approaching joust. Again my heartiest congrat- ulations to you and the boys. JI will bring my meal ticket down for my annual breakfast for you and the kids Friday morning, until then. Sincerely.yours, | te, J i wa : les ae 8 10 07- of fT eee Alten Te ee ope a re Atoded oe Fe eee a4 poouwerhlhe Far ponsip ba sta Te os Ak es oO tee Op * 2+ QR fa ee FO OEE wick he Helens Was Fh tee Se Ac ecdinet feetrivatiaw Fuk V-¥s Ht. Carnp tute rite 7 ace A ertiem SHE go 4 7 | what aray 2 ee a Ses ree f/f Sy Ld tud ack 0 es Oe a Ee pe ces hawka AGac Me ihne py CHO Abirage oe: a S CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- m unless its de- ( NL=Nighe Letter Ped character is in- 5 5 ) Ss dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination ~KA138 10=LAWRENCE KANS 11 929A DR FORREST C ALLEN= HOTEL ALLIS WICHITA KANS= 940 MAR ii AM ® 57 APPRECIATE PHONE US HALF AND FINAL TONIGHT AND TOMORROW. THANKS= BOB BUSBY. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICH CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate é DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NL=Night Letter am unless its de- + erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable : ( oh symbol above or pre- PA J NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE _ NEWCOMB CARLTON JC. Wi ~ Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE- -PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STAN DARD TIME at point of destination Ji? Vt=An LEAVI TH KANS 46 1032P ease 10 = i THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE Mesorae Jim : « ca “conven gc AO Deax Jim end Tims , it was very thoughtful of you to send your wire to the e% Oklahom | : inted it boys Citys They all — With best wishos, I am Sincerely fours Menager, NeCeAck, Basketball Tournanente Mire Maurioe Le Broidenthal, Dear Maurices ; No, indeed, I haven*t forgotten my anette you I expect te mike geod an it. Hie" be loclding for ym Peiing sighs With all good wishes, i an ‘Stseatien of) tebe Shiela 0d nn, Varwity Basketball Coach, MAURICE’ L.BREIDENTHAL, Presipent ee ae S ‘ LAWRENCE S.BLUM, Asszt. Casuier MILTON W.FELD, Vice Presipent % MAURICE L.BREIDENTHAL Jr. Asst. Casnier CLAUDE L.WILSON, Casuier LORAINE McKENNA, Asst. Casnier ® Ff, €0ERAL pese®® Mili NONEES O-F Aly ANE | ALES EVE NTH KANSAS CITY, KANSAS February 28, 1940. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I talked to Tom and he is following through on the matter of the Wyandotte Band for either March 22nd or 2ird. I believe he dropped you a line in this connection. epee f oe h Rg, / I will be dow Friday night to see you trim Missouri. I e : Bue wee hope you haven't re the promise you made me at Columbia. With continued good wishes, I | Ve