| BoaRD The Rockford Public Srhoals Orricens Dr. H.H. ERVIN Dr. H. H. ERVIN, Presipent LYNN O, SMITH LLOYD H. SMITH, SuPERINTENDENT DOROTHY HOLL, Secretary E. E, HOUDEK HAZEL PLUMLEY. H.S. PRriNcIPAL MRs. A. HODGE, TREASURER K. R. LAUN ; ‘GLENN WEBB Backford, Jowa August <6, 1944 bt. Forrest ©. Allen © Director of Physical idaucation i Varsity basketball Coach University of Sansas Lawrence, Aansas Dear Dr. allen: I received your pleasant letter this morning. I bought your book for my self so + would like to have you autograph the book as you suggésted.- “Remembering the pleasantries of the Iowa High School athletic Association Coaching School at | Boone, Iowa, on August I5-19," ana so forth. Your treatment of my back has brought definite improvement. *lease know that I appreciate it very much. I wiil have to do my coaching this year because I Gould not get a coach. However, 1 shall do the best pinch hitting