BOARD Che KCorkford Public Srhools Orricens Dr. H.H. ERVIN Dr. H. H. ERVIN, Presipent LYNN O. SMITH LLOYD H. SMITH, SurerRintTENDENT DOROTHY HOLL, Secretary E. E, HOUDEK HAZEL PLUMLEY, H.S. Principat MRs. A. HODGE, Treasurer K. R. LAUN GLENN WEBB Borckford, Jowa possible. 1 have fisteen years caching experience of former years to help so maybe I ean help this crop of boys along. I deeply feel that our armed forces are moving as they are because gs2 ihany anerican Dboys have haa the training that comes from our Athletic system. If only every american Boy could be a member of a Ist team of some kina and let it help him to be master of himself, then we would never need be afaria of aggression from any one. The kids are doing a grand job, and our athletics has been contributing a great in our successful drives. oaxrt + l enjoyed the coaching school contacts s2 much. I hépe I can just sedl a few boys on the idea of being better men.