DALE ELWOOD, PRESIDENT BOARD OF EDUCATION “ . je conan — L. L. LOWRY a ; V. W. SEARCY CRESCO PUBLIC SC HOOLS DONALD D. WEBBER, H. S. PRIN. GEORGE POWERS MARY WESTBY, JR. H. S. PRIN. DR. WM. A. BOCKOVEN CRESCO, IOWA DAVID J. ROBBINS, SUPERINTENDENT August 26, 1944 br. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The spelling of my name and the address that you have are correct. I have no suggestion for a special autograph. The one that you have suggested is fine, or any other that you care to use. Your name is the important part of the autograph, I thought that the coaching school at Boone this year was one of the most worthwhile schools that I had ever attended. I came away from the school with a new interest in and enthusiasm for my work and I feel that I am much better qualified to do the job this year. I was especially impressed with your enthusiasm, vitality and genuine in- terest in your work. I hope that I can carry that same enthusiasm into my coaching this year, I am looking forward to the time when I will again have an opportunity to listen to your discussions and visit with you at a coaching school. Sincerely yours, or