OFFICERS MEMBERS F, L. Heckstein, President A. K, Ahrens .G. H. Parkhurst, Secretary : Dan Chisholm Mrs. Agnes Parkhurst, Treasurer MITCHELL CONSOLID. ATED SCHOOL Karl Dammen H. F. Risse, Superintendent : R. S. Ham Mitchell, lowa Aug. 28 ,1944 Year Ur. Allen:- i waS happy to receive your fine letter and assure you I. shall ever cherish our fine association to— gether at the coaching school. You surely made a fine con- tribution and best of all you were a real human fellow. I Shall be happy to have you add the personal touch to the . autograph. I think I shall leaveit in the school so why wouldn't if be ail right to autograph to the coach and the boys and girls of the Mitchell Schools? I attended our State Legion Convention immeciately after the coaching school and had alsoa profitableexperience. According to sentiment I will be promoted next year as State Chaplain. With every good wish and hoping to hear from you again, I am Your frien, He