Robert Eq Doherty, President of Gameghe Sesh, ie che octlese president whe came out and told the wide world exactly what was happen~ ing at his institutions For the life of me I cannot umderstand why _ other college presidents, lmowing what is going on, will mintain such + ae Cee > Keating nly She Tens Hay wee Go Talk abawty 7 Mac, I want to explain to you regarding ny book, “Better Basketbell". for over a year now 1 have been telicing about ruming in to buy you that spaghetti. dimer. I felt pretty badly last year shout whet tamgoiael pagundine Gis fads MeGrawllil1 and Company sent a copy of my book to each sport writer in the coumtrys This obtained ‘to the four directions of the compass, north, east, south and west. These texts apparently arrived at the desks of all the sport 5; i in the country about the same times I really wented them to . GiLt this Oi ak an Gan’ 2 anna eae Gs tad ead ced that I desired to send first, but of course being merely the author, AY i ae ii ne : fi i a but the point I wanted to make was that I wanted you to have the book - ‘first, look it over, and write your convictions on the booke . I think "Better Raskethell" is ty far the best book thet I heve ever done. It is just about twice as good as “My Basketball Bible", and of course I would have prized the statenents from you more than from all the other sports writers combined. T Uo senendbee, Get, how Silla you oute Hc mabe ecnient « little later regarding the book, and I doubly appreciate thate But the program was not the way I wanted it, and it has alwmys been a . source of embarrassment to me, and I have always wanted to explain it to yous But I thought over the spaghetti dish I could do it betters In 1928 I wrote "My Basketball Bible", end we had a sale of over 15,000 copies. In 1929 I wrote for Ginn and Company a chapter on the organization and administration of Bhysical Sducation and Athleties for their volume, “Higher Edueation in America", This. text prince cont. Gs ame repamtigaen. ier Teo Aiageelege carcass ted dggehersivet, 4 of Louisville, and it was @ compilation of all heads of the different divisions in American educations The School of Education chapter was written by Charles H. Judd, Director of the School of Bducation at the University of Chicago; the School of Engineering chapter was done te William Ee Wiekenden, President of the Case School of Applied Seience; the School of Law chapter was written by Roseoe Pound, Dean of the Law School at tarverd thiversitys the Sehocl of ledieine chaptor ms :