sue contributed by Irving Se Cutter, Dean of the Medical School of North= — western University; the College of Liberal Arts chapter was written by We W. Charters, rector of the Bureau of Educational Research at Ohio State University; the chapter on Student Health was written by . _ John Sundwell, Maneater of Fublse Henke oe een ee : : ee sce ik ac it, Ae book was published so late in the year last yoar that many of the | a new book in the past few years. Of course, I write each and every ee oe eas But I would greatly cccuneiee | it if you would be kind enough ini Gish Ga oe suas tescacaete sotteee ar uke bce fee aoe ke one benefit of both the coach and the teachers ‘The book sale has been. splendid indeed. Tt. came out on the mrket about the first of December ee eco ee at eee ee ee ee I can remember there had been something under 2,000 copies solde - think this is especially fine when we consider so many coaching ‘out at present. ‘Bvery state high school athletic association has their g : 8 monthly publication in which they ask the respective coaches of the state _ to elucidate on their special coaching technique, and then we have the Scholastic Conch published in New York, end Major Criffith's Athletic -Journal which appeals to both the college and high school coach. ‘Then there are many other publications that I have failed to mentions. All of these carry coaching instruction for the benefit of the roaderse So I am not optinistieally inclined enough to believe that Sat Gee uuu said dace Gna Sos ck cae te eee. ee er seles possi- bilitye Do ‘nicks ok item Sobtdemh tenth end Vigetial Rhanten mectiis as Atlanta, Georgia, I wes told ty Mrs Houry Mocunty, who is the head man for McMillan and Company, that although my book ws published by a rival . Concern of theirs, hey (MelMillen’s) considered it the outstanding con tribution by fer on not only basketball but athletic subjectss I also met Dr. Pearson, the editor of lelfillan*’s, and he made a similar remark. And then Dre McCloy, of the State University of Iowa, who is an editor ee ee eee ee ee See ee ee At Now York University and other places ay text is the one adopted for teaching tasketball. I em told of Tilinois, end in at least a mmber of f other large schools. I em just ty i i i e g