conflicts, end withal wo have hed a very pleasant year heres 7 Mey I sey that his sumer work was wholly satisfactory. is my opinion thet the sumer school people are older and that Lapp is infinitely more successful with older people than he is with tee tagy bad been eumeptteintiy Winters: in tas resend week end has done a fine job of it. I would recamend hin without re- servation as being very dependable, a hard worker, and under diret~ and Dre Lappe You will see by this that I pay definite tribute. : Dre McCloy, you were present at the conferense on Physical Edueation whieh was held at the University here lest sumer en Jime 276 You doubtless remember Dre Lapp being chairmn ef one of the tat he was not at his bests ls he Sebleseshnesh Cuk 6h de & deinen Se eee guided by his superiors, and the superiors in this ease happen to ee ee Doubtless your sehool fmetions in the seme fashion that ours does, namely that a person is brought here on probatione If the individual does not mike de- cidedly good, the policy is not i ath oniningor gerd