W. G. FINK JACK H.McDONALD ATTORNEY i dic aaeciat ABSTRACTER TITLE EXAMINER NOTARY PUBLIC Fink ABSTRAGT CoM PANY ABSTRACTERS OF TITLES FREDONIA, Kansas) November 15, 1958 ” Forrest C. Alien Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: We would be able to handle a game any night excepting thet of a Saturday after the 10th of December. It certainly will be appreciated if a game can be arranged. Any expenses that you incur in obtaining the same, kindly in- form me and I will remit you at once. Last year, we paid $100.00 per ciub. We would like to obtain a team for around this figure, if possibile. We do not attempt to get rich in one night but our object is to promote basket ball and give tne local fans good entertain- ment, Kindly advise me of any further detaiis. I remain,: Respectf ek H. McBonald Jiisrn