ta ato oot you 3 piegaeievm es ath but very sorry are oe voltten & Gate Seetiaal teers It is always & ee id be - helpful. to yous S ciats bs oink ts ht ee pean we ae ize and stimilate the interest in basketball, especially when your parish priest, a principal end an educator, wis not exthused over the athletic set upe You have built a mommont to the youth of your camumity. I safer to the fact that you undoubtedly are res- Donate for Wo edition of tho gpaaciun eal chowr tat in the new buildings I em glad that you ere interested in your son's success, end the fact thet you are coaching the teem will mke him admire you very much. And in tw when he goos off to college ot wet Tink you Gm up with a wasting frientship thet neither of iam glad to imow that you have “iy Sasketball Bibie® end my last book, “Setter DasketbalI™. It pleares me that you heave gotten sauo informiion and experience fron thane | ‘ow, in regard to the mew rule concerning the per= sa chia wets Ueicctax Un ataadtns t e ae Oe e throw circle without the ball for an indefinite time, I do not plan to chenge my offensive set up in the leaste My cartention is that any man who locates in that area congests the basket because the guard will play a Mttle behind and alongside that fellow. The Se ee In other words, if the ball is over on the right side and out in front of this post man thon the guard will sheft to the side and yet onough behind the player to keep the center fron spinning around and receiving a pass over his head near the lasket. I will ee The forwards and three offensive