i? duly 15, 1938. tre Logan De Mekea, Monett, Misseurk. Teer iis ieKoe: Your geod letter of the 11th instant concerning Fred Royal hes arrived, end I want. te thank you very meh for your interest end kintness in sending me his photograph. The way you speak shout Pred Royal he met be a dandy boys I speak now more from the standpoint of e worker than I de from an athletic standpoint. . Of course I am interested in him and I am glad you wrote me about hime . | . | have just finished e telephone conversation with ire Harry Yerin whe is the Lewrence agent for the Kansas City Ster. I . theught perhaps I sould get a route fer Fred or he could buy & . route of a hundred subseribers and deliver the papers end mke some money that way, but ire Nevin tells me that all the reutes | heve been purehased by students. Seo that is | Now, here is one thing, tr. Mckes, thet may cause Fred sone ; financial embarrassment. To e resident of Kansas the mtrionlation fee is 710 ané to a non-resident it is $20. The inéidental feo for Praag beh aiff fibre ial ap aight sc4is ite grid rife 4 : Li : : : f : BS : ef f : z ro | : i uf a tnt to his tuition end incidental foes, and in addition he mst pay @ health fee $6 per semester, and an activity feo of $8.75 for first 75 It necessary that he have about $175 in cash for the sehool year. é i . H