nae ft i 4 L-* if i ei Gg® it iF "j 44 if & § ar jon of his time, compete in athleties, ‘y @ full academic load. The school administrators versity so that it takes the major portion of « porson's and onergy to make the grade academically. Sehool work is the | the student, as the administrator sees it. fo you see that a person is partially defeating himself if he doesn't deal of timo for school works Ae @ rnin it takes $300 for any student to go through the school year the cheapest way possible, With twe semesters of 15 hours, @ total of 30 hours for the year, this would figwre the oz- pense at $10 per ecademic howre If a. boy while trying to work too mich should faii a five-hour course, then he would find himself in the prediearent of losing $50.00 worth of academic work. That would not be a profitable investment. | Ween 4 you wette ns and tell me your roaotion as to whet I have ui fda geturning the photograph whieh you kindly sent mes From losking at the picture of Fred Royse] I imow that he is exactly what | . elean, aggressive and energetic young man