Noveuber 1, 1937. Mp, C, EB, McBride The Kansas City ster, Kanses Clty, Hoe Dear lags We were desolated to find, after we returncd from luncheon, your ecard. ‘The fact thet we were not | home to see the Uebride*s makes us feel torribly bad. It happened that Bobby is a Phi Kappa Psi pledge, and he had invited the Allen family to the | Phi Fsi house for lumchcon, Ws had been gone but 2 few minutes before you arrived, ! | Hes, 4llen says she is going to write urs, MeBride a letter real soon, but we are just roturning the last copy on the final proof of the new book, and we have been so bloomin' busy that we haven't gotten as fer es we would have liked in the way of visits. I have thought for the last three weeks or more that I would sit down and write you a confidential angle on the Stanford situation. When you asked me the questicn if I had ever been offered the Stanford / he I knew that somebody had been talking, “hen Jvohn junn and I met eye to eye dowh at Chamte early in | Septerber I knew then that somebody hed been talking ana pather reasoned tho whole thing ont.’ I told John Bunn some things that made him oven his eyes, I could see that he had been laboring mder delusions that the Stanford pecple had not contacted me, but = I lsft him I am vory sure he found that they | I will write has Mac, and I will also tell you a little of the Ralph Miller episodes - not to print ? but just so you will have the true situation — of this rather interesting angle, I have been to Kansas City only once this ~ whole fall. I have been so dbloomin’ busy, and I might say, happily busy, organizing this department ‘that when anybody tells you that I wouldn't be ha doing what I am and gett out of this mess, ani say mess coe eae surprised! I never. knew that life co ® so pleasant away from a thing