Dee vais som BOARD OF HEALTH BENJAMIN R. ALLISON, M. D. CHAIRMAN RICHARD DERBY, M. D. MRS GENESTA M. STRONG REV. ARTHUR B. KINSOLVING, 2nbD CHARLES NELSON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BAR BUILDING. MINEOLA, N.Y. EARLE G. BROWN, M. D. COMMISSIONER WILLIAM H. RUNCIE, M. D. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER March 4, 1940. Derr Doctor Allen: Although I saw the score of Friday night's game in one of the NY Saturday morning papers, the Topeka Capital arrived today and I read the trilling details. It sounded great and congratulations to you on the team on the fine victory. Of course you know I am pulling for a win in that final game with Oklahoma, Although we will soon be away from Kansas three years, we still retain our interest in the many things that go on in the State. I am still just as good a "rooter" for KU as when I lived there, Perhaps it may sound strange to you, but I have only seen four basketball games in the past two years. Two in a double header at Madison Square Garden last year and two in the same place last week. Somehow or other the basketball back here does not seem to be the same as played in the midwest, One game last week was between Pittsburg and Fordham, with the former on the long end of the score. Neither team impressed me at all. Most of the scoring was from long shots near the center of the field, or that is the way it impressed me. In the second game, NYU beat Georgetown. The soore at the half was 10-4 NYU, but they came back with a bang in the second half. NYU looked more like the teams I have seen in action before leaving Kansas, as they really had some scoring plays instead of taking long shots, However, I did see plenty of pro football which is polished football. Saw six or seven games, some close scores and some with lop~-sided scores, Of course | you know that Potsy Clark was the coach of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and the team had @ poor season, I think due principally to lack of real players. Potsy lives in Garden City and I had two or three visits with him during the fall. Of course there are lots of other activities. I was fortunate in securing a season pass to the Brooklyn baseball club, although only saw about a half dozen games during the year. Saw the Giants and Yankees in action two or three times each, For variety, saw the Ambers-Armstrong fight. Naturally had many fishing trips which you know is something I really enjoy. Fishing is an almost year round sport here. As a matter if fact, I have a trip planned for March 20, provided it is not too cold then. No big ones last year, the largest weighing qs pounds, Was hooked on to two tuna, both weighing probably 65 to 75 pounds each, but just as the mate attempted to gaff them the leaders broke. I'll try it again this summer, Am enjoying the work very much. I took over in March 1938 and began the work of organizing a full-time health department. At the present time there are some full-time employees and three more will be added in the very near future. We have @ good sized budget, $225,433 for the year 1940. Josephine is a sophomore at Duke and enjoying her work very much. Richard is a law student at NYU-thinks it is much more difficult that his work at Baker. Mrs. Brown and I are both in good health. Some time I hope you will bring your team to Madison Square Garden and really show these folks what basketball is, I can assure you our family would be there and give you our moral support. When you do come east, we'll expect you to come out and see us in Nassau County. We are only 40 minutes by train from the Pennsylvania station. With kind regards, Sincerely, ie eg Soa ee ae Ae