November 25, 1959. ea The name of the dye is “Aura-Green", and it is distributed by D. B. Bell and Company, 1826 oo ee It is @ product of the !ellinckrodt Chemicel Worles, of Ste Louis, Moe “Aura=(reen" sells for $5.55 per powmd, and I an told thet two pomds will be sufficient to dve a Poothall fields It is possible that you will be unable to secure the dye from the Kansas City firm, since it is a little out of season for it - it is most camonly used on golf courses, but I en sure the Ste Louis company will be able to supply it. Thank you for your icind words in regard to ,our basketball team. I am sending you our schedule, end hope that you will be able to see seme of our SAMOS > Tith best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, - FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache