licPherson, College McPherson, Kansas liarch 1, 1940 br. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: We plan to hold our annual "K" Club Banquet, for all men who have at sometime earned a letter in any sport at McPherson College, on the evening of April 6, 1940. Since it will be an athletic group, we desire a principal speaker who is intere ested and prominent in athletics. Naturally, your name was among the first that came to our minds. Would it be possible for you to appear at this banquet, your subject to be announced later? Since our income is limited to that amount which we can obtain from the sale of refreshments at the football games we can- not offer you any, large amount in the way of renumeration. Hoping for a favorable reply from you, I am Sincerly yours SAA Z Phil Myers. ' President "ji" Club