J E.McFarlan OFFICE 835 KANSAS AVE. 1 FIVE Rexall STORES 4 TOPEKA, KANSAS i May 29, 1940 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Thanks for your letter of May 27 and your very kind offer to come up and give me special instructions on this arch machine. So the first time you are in Topeka, get in touch with me, and I'll take time off and listen to your instructions. If necessary, I'll come to Lawrence and enter the University for instructions. I am sure I will always be grateful to you if I am able to correct even part of this foot trouble, for, after all, at the age of fifty-one last fall I went through a clinic and passed a very good test. The doctor told me to bend over and touch the floor twenty times each morning and quit smoking cigarettes, which I told him I wouldn't do. Also quit eating barbecued pig ribs, which I could get along without but don't intend to. He also told me to go see an orthopedic man, and I knew before I went to see him that I should do that. But one experience with an orthopedic man was very unsatisfactory, so I have just been hoping for a miracle I Zuesse I am sure Mr. Lang would be a very pleasant man to meet. I can't imagine a man being in a more enjoyable position than rais- ing good horses and curing people of foot trouble, : Thanks again, and will look forward to instructions to report at Lawrence or when you will be in Topeka. Very kindest personal regards. Sincerely yours, pata JEM: MJI J. E. McFarland