13 average of the three items rates 4.5. Under “active qualities” perhaps the average of the eleven items might be 3,9, etc. ‘The teacher would then use this profile as a gpuide to the needs of the individual. Thus, one individual may be exceedingly well developed and rate high in "leadership", “positive active qualities", "positive mental attitudes", and "qualities of efficiency", but be. relatively low in the others; he may be a poor sportsman, lacking in cooperation and low in self-control. The: teacher would then endeavor to utilize this profile just as one uses a diagnostic test to find out what needs to be emphasized for each individual and to endeavor to produce changes for the better. The same ratings will be made upon the same individuals at the end of the experimental period. The teacher and students making these ratings should be exceedingly care- ful not to allow their personal desires for the success of the experiment to change the ratings. There is no evidence that this method of approach will be successful. The endeavor of the experimenters should be to find out what the facts are even though they may demonstrate that the method proposed is not a valid one. Other rating scales which may be used by the classroom teacher and by parents of the same individual will be prepared. These scales will endeavor to rate the same types of qualities in other situations, The endeavor being to ascertain whether there is any transfer of training. These ratings should also be made at the beginning and end of the experimental period and the two eventually compared. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS : In addition to the above there are a number of rather general items which must be kept in mind. In the first place the teacher must constantly be seeking to produce such character changes, This may not be always possible. Teachers frequently have a limited contact with the individual, but such limited contacts should be utilized to the fullest. ‘The attitude of the teacher should be that of the good athletic coach who is constantly seeking specific improvement upon the part of specific individuals and who is not simply broad-casting a certain generalized educational procedure. It needs to be individual emphasis. ! One should endeavor to produce such changes as rapidly as possible, Some individuals make rapid character strides in a few weeks, The fact that the average individual proceeds slowly should not deter the teacher from endeavoring to secure rapid strides. It may be more possible than we think. Emphasize group activities. The largest number of the objectives desired are social ones and practice must be given in social group units. This involves cooperative planning and projecting. Endeavor to seek the integration of the physical education program with other phases of the individuals experiences. These may be in other social institutions, in the home or elsewhere, The best educational system will utilize the largest proportion of these. Our 'teamwork' should not all be on the athletic field.