Mre John Re Bovard, Deyartment of Physical nnentian, ‘University of California, Los Angeles Branch, Los Angeles, Calife Dear Mrs Bovards Bugene Billups, one of our seniors, has © requosted that 1 write you regarling his qualifications for a — os at UCeLeAe I have had Mre Billups in several of ny glasses, and I find that he is one of the best students we heave in the department. le has always mde good grades in the classes in which I heave had hime He is of good moral character, and since his interest is not directed entirely ‘toward the athletic side of physical education, IT am confident that he will grow to be a fine leader in the field of physical education. ; 7 _-Z have absolute confidensee in his ability 8 ey Seen Bet SeS Elna . You will notice that I do not hesitate to en Ee Re Elbel, Agssoce Professor, Physical Educatione