onl not play it after he leaves high school or college. Nevertheless, the laboratory training which he gets from participating in games like this may have made playing the game worthwhile. We do not usually continue the study of arithmetic past the grades; we pass on to the study of algebra, to geometry, to trigonometry, and to the calculus. Each in its turn leaves a deposit of use in later life though that use may be an indirect one. The problem is raised also of the dilemma of "education for later life" versus the philosophy that education is life. It would seem to me that both of these can be true and that we as educators can plan an education that is life to the participant today while preparing him also for life later on. THE CHARACTER EDUCATION PROCESS The development of such an educational process involves a number of steps and of separate procedures. The first of these is the determining of the objectives of the individual. Recent studies of the individual objectives of physical Sees t°F. Rone that interests, mind-set, and objectives in general are not the same. Just as tastes in music run from the classics to jazz so do tastes in physical activities run from basketball to calisthenics, from dancing to apparatus work, and from water polo to weight lifting. Some of these interests are probably due to individual differences in innate tendencies. More of them are probably due to differences in local situations and conditions, The director of physical education who ignores these interests and individual objectives, however, loses values inherent in the project approach and sterilizes much of his character building process. DETERMINE THE OBJECTIVES OF THE INDIVIDUAL One of the best methods of determining such objectives is to prepare a comprehensive check list. We suggest that such check lists be prepared as in the illustration given below with omissions and additions according to the exigencies of the local situation. "Read the following list of physical education activities and make an X in the column that represents your feelings or desires: Enjoy or Would like Averse I should would enjoy a little to like specif- doing but doing ic coaching very much not much in Apparatus work Archery Baseball (indoor) Baseball ( outdoor) Rasxetbali boxing Calisticnics Diving Feacing — Peat eee i a wo LS Group Games