Decexnber 14, 1937. Dixeotor of Physical Education, Very sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach, With every good wish, I em that trust PCASAH Desenber 14, 1037» Mie Ce Ee MoBride, The Kansas City Star, Kennan City, Moe Dear Mac: Thank you for your very gracious pen in describe ing my bool, Better Basketball, in your Sunday sporting camente You have always been very gracious and fines and 1 greatly appreo- inte the many wonderful things that you have dongs I had hoped to gee you and have a visit with you when I was in Kansas City Saturday morning, Oeceaber 4, But as usual, I have too many irons in the fire to visit, it seause ‘lirse Allen and Fleanor rode in with me that mornings Me ‘ We had a meeting at 9 o'clock with the coaches, and et 11 o'clock we mot with the officials and the Missouri Valley coaches. At 12 o'clock we wore supposed to show the picture, but we did not got to it witil 12:50, amd finished just ten minutes be- fore 2. Then our rules meeting, of which I was chairman, tock the time umtil 4 o'olocks At @ ofelock I lef Kansas City for Manhattan to see the Kensas State~Doane Collego game, as we were to play loene lot to gat our puddle jumper wa sew a nice looking Packard with 7 he doors Wrse Alien said, "Won't you wait justa . minute and let mo write a note te this fellow C. Is licB.” i was re . Sa November 50, 1937 *Sungalow", Eldorado, Kansas. Dear Mrs MoKaig: Professor Es Re Elbel, of our Department of sheng ola eguaaimaaubma a saamaloet Ga acti eon aie Geahenieer Wis tubnannne netlist Physical Education, and em asking the Registrar‘*s Offices - %o send you the latest catalog of the University. In this catalog you will find a description of the courses listed on the enclosed mimeographed sheets. Ie you hows any questions shout the Departiatt. a es eS eee Sincerely yours, H : Director of Physical Educations ' December 1, 1937« ‘Mire Robin MeGeorge, Manager, Hotel Kensas Citian, Kansas City, Missourie | Doubtless Mr. George Veenker, secretary of the Big Six Conference, has asked you for accamod- tix Ddrecters' meeting and Basketball Coachos on Fri- Ke have witten the coabhes of Kansas, | fiebrasim, Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa inviting them for the open and also for the showing of this ploturee take this matter up with you so there would be no confusion et the last moment.. I will appreciate your usual s cooperatione As chairman of the National \1 Rules Counittee of the Sth District, I will be in charge of the With deep appreciation, I am Sincerely YOursy teeta th Matted Yeas National Basketball Rules Comitteos I am sorry thet will not be able to get back on Thankegiving Day, as we have a great turnout heree | "My Kindest regards to your good wife and familys | | FCAsAB : Director of Physical Educatione MCCARTY-SHERMAN BUILDINGS ALST . ARTY H Gena satiiataie W. 8TH AVE., FROM SANTA FE TO KALAMATH 2 ge DENVER'S OLDEST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS PHONE MAIN 2211 DENVER, COLORADO “November 8, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Glad to hear from you today, and I hasten to send you the names requested, fee ne On the Rocky Mountain News the men who will have something to do with Basketball are Chester Nelson, Hank Rabun, and Clair Jordan. On the Denver Post, are Robert Gangey, William W. White, and Leonard Cahn. I do not think Poss Parsons will do any Basket- ball writing, thank God! aes I saw the Colorado-Utah Football game at Salt Lake City, saturday. This boy, Whizzer White is unquestionably the best foot- ball player I ever saw on the gridiron. He has everything, and in- cidentally there are few better football teams in the country this year than the one at Colorado University. They are a cinch to win the Rocky Mountain Conference. | hee geet: I wrote to Aq Lindsay today, suggesting that should Kansas win the "Big Six" conference, a game could probably be arranged in Denver between Colorado and Kansas at the Denver University Stadium. If such a game were played, I believe it would net Kansas at least $10,000.00, Will you write me confidentially telling me whom I really should contact and what your personal Opinion is regarding the pos- sibility of such an arrangement. I would like very much to get hack to Lawrence for the Thanks- giving game, but it will be impossible. Letiry = Alston M. no Very kind regards, AMMC/K ESTABLISHED 1300 SOUTHWESTE a a DISTRIBUTORS FOR MILTON BRADLEY COMPANY 922 OAK STREET KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Nov. 16, 1937 Mr, Forrest C, Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Thanks a lot for your letter of November 12. I appreciate, sincerely, your fixing this ticket up for me and it will be my plan to call for the ticket at the North end of the stadium on Thanksgiving Day. Wer Mac Best regards, Nevenber 22, 1987 ee vihecler Helly Tagney Trust Cos, Wichita, Kansas. Dear Naot Your letter enclosing eheck for $4et has been turned over to lit» Baxi Falkenction, finaneial searctary of the Athletic Association, who is in charge of all ticket sales. { have . but two tickets = one for Mrse Allen and one for mee That is totel number that I have purchased this falls , the ‘mutha vee ake ek heh Ha tis tne been on sale simee September gnd the sale is now around the goal lines 2 an gorey, Wak 7 eenant be af eeyvine So yun Sie fees te tabate weal. theckertvine mutitng, ani fF yee do vob went Shee Xt Tons — oo ease I would disouss with Billy Huteon the ticket sale if I did not imow that everybody in Lawrence is endeavoring to buy tickets fran sane of their friends outside, and there are absol~ utely no tickets being held back, either ty friends here in Lawrence ee Sis ead eens tee densa Soi be this game and consequently the pressure to get tickets thet should | heave Deen ought masthe: ago. : Y hawe just now called Estes, Payne and Company “end asied then to write you regarding their quotation for, stadiun bonds. I think they are selling around pare — Very sincerely yours, : \ POA all Daeetion of Physical Réueations November 5, 1937. ir, Alston McCarthy, , Eee y. 750 York Street, Denver, Colorado, Dear Alston? It am wondering if you would send me a list of names of the basketball writers, as well as - the sports editors, on the Denver newspapers, I appreciate it very much, or | ‘IT have been asked for this and am | supposed to pass the information on to someone else, so if you will be kind enough to write me at your earliest convenience I will appreciate it. . By the way, I imagine we will be seeing J you Thanksgiving, will we not? “e are expecting a great crowd and a fine game, With every good wish te your good family and yourself, I am : ’ | : Very sincerely yours, FCA:AzE Direetor of Physical Education, November 65 1937 6 My, C, 5, ucBride, Kensas City Star, Kansas City, Ho. Dear Mee: _ I will eall you Mondey morning over a matter that I will not write about. 4 Drean Touch Down, This was in 1920, while I was coaching football at Kansas. Miller wrote me that he was figuring on running this yarn in The Coach to boost the book. It had slipped my mind that I had sent him a copy last summer, so I asked him to send me a copy of the stuff he had on hand, I thought perhaps your firm had sent him a copy, but upon checking up I find that I had mailed him an early copy. | . This morning he writes me that McGraw-Hill nyiinformed him the revised copy is in the hands | printer and will not be available for some time. He asked that I look over the enclosed copy that he mailed me of A Dream Touch Down and make any corrections that I desired. He requests that it be returned at an early date. . I am writing you to see if there is any ob- jection on your part to his running this story in his endeavor to advertise the book, Personally, I think it would be a great ad if he would run it because it shows an angle of the text that few books show. In other words, it is an inspirational chapter and this is so different from most of the coaching books that I believe it would go over in fine style. If you have no objection to this I will | re gat tice ft eeene of the master manu- seri ors But first © wanted to ascertain your ion and get your permission, If there is any peaaen why this should not be done, do not hesitate to say "Nay, 2 nay”. We are all progressing splendidly ond I believe everybody at both ends of the line is quite heppy.e Sincerely yours, PCA: AH Director of Physical Education. i C. Be MePride ii The Kenses a ar Eeansas City, # esouri. Dear Hae: | Dick Skler, one of our steller football porters who made as greet neme for himself on the varsity, & — in Kansas City now, Fe is with the Sonkene Gelambe Corporation, He is very amefious to do some officiating, ané I have written Diek asking him to stop in te see you and got acquainted, | : I am hoping thet he will merit e goodl: boost es a possible official from your versatile and Kindly pen, Dick was e greet football player, trained all the time that he pleyee football here at Kenses, end won the respect of players ami officiela by his a . ive and snee paayeees ene a fine Senate with — CUNT Ton, saw w at freshua n-varel ty re iu Lewrence ths other dayv.. He ig @ tmstiler a eooperator, : Personally, I think he hes e great future in officiating if he hae er. o nity, I hed 2 | conehing school with Setty Seli thie summer et Lake Ukoboji, and Matty told m9 that when Dilek played with _ his college elliestars against the prose a year age that Dick was a standeout there, not only as a football pleyer but in . around meeting the pseple of the town in oe te and better way, Yetty tolé we Dick made a g ° : | | | At practice he wae always there | anf ad@ing a lot ef morale to the outfit, so I think Dick is the kind of a fellow thet would appreciate a boost from you. _oEf he @rops in I would eppreciate it . wery much if you can give him a break, | #2 = liy, GC. &, MeBride. ° I haven't seen you for a long time, so long that I feel i am cheating myself and not worrying you, but I am going to do thet real soon, Of course, i voad your coluan every day and feel that I have a visit with you that way. -£ trust Bra, MoSride and the MoBride | clan are in good health and happy. Oe ‘With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, PCA3 AR Daérector of Physical Yducation, OBERT A. MeCLAIN ea FREE LANCE PHOTOGRAPHER Pictorial [lustrations Chasinat 4779 462) East Tenth Street october 3) 41987 Dr. “orest ¢ Allen University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your letter of inquiry concerning McGraw Hill Bill, I received a check from them some time ago. I am looking forward to the publication of your book and extend you every gocd wish in its sale, Yours very truly, : cy “December 6, 1957« ' You are correct, the firm 68 Estes and Company, of Topeka. You doubtless will hear from them in a very short while, as Mr. Estes was in this last week mud talked over the metter with me. . . I heve asked for my money, as 1 expect to i invest it in other securities. . : oe e | Varsity Basketball: Consh, FCAsAH Director of Physical Education, The Wheeler Kelly Hagny Trust Company Wichita,Kansas December 4, 1937. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: When I saw you in Lawrence last Thursday you told me that negotiations were on to refund the bonded indebted- ness of the Kansas University Physical Education Cor- poration. If 1 remember correctly you remarked that a meeting was being held on that date. Will you please advise me whether anything definite has been done up to this time. Also, are you free to disclose the name of the firm who have made the under- writing proposition. Just off hand I would guess it is Estes & Company at Topeka, who have been rather active in trading the bonds the last few years. I shall greatly appreciate hearing from you in this connection, and with best regards remain Yours very truly, WAM: C W, A. Me Kinney ‘Preasurer. | inn bid th Suet ee ak ce tos, grits Se Bhi If you will send mo your cheek - etme book postpedd by retwn mail. | 1: emwenhaataie a dicerk auaeinicar tho book oo that you my Imov eonsthiing of the cant entse ee Sincerely yours, Varuitey Basketbill Coneh, Director of Physical Educations Se Pe ee Grow -umobiing a & ae mye 173. , ; Sietteclye, Hick. Oo fi ‘ | . aa | i ue 3 | iq : ai 3 ali ith of We are using the American Red Cross First Aid Texte book, Revised, and we are insisting that every member of the Glass possess a copye The paper back books sell for 60¢ and the clothbound books sell for $1.00. Personally, I would question the advisability of @ manuscript for First Aid, especially since the First Aid Very sincerely YOURS 941 Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coathe PRETTICE~HHALL, Ine. EXECUTIVE OFFICES 70 Ifth Avenue os te February 10, 1938 Professor Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Professor Allen; We are considering publication of a manuscript on FIRST AID by a professor at one of our large universities. The manuscript is an excellent one but we are a little doubtful as to the market. I would, therefore, much appreciate it if you could find the time to answer the following questions regarding the situation at your own college: 1. Do you give a college course in first aid? 2. What is the approximate total enroliment? 3. Do you use a text? 4. If so, what text do you use? If you will answer the questions on this sheet of paper and return , it to me in the enclosed business reply envelope, I shall be very ere, grateful. he Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely yours, Oo tne F. N. McInerney College Book Department PRENTICE-HALL, Inc. BD Enc. December 24, 1937. $254 Cypress Avenve, Kansas City, "oe Dear iaes | Thanir you for your very zood lotter of the 22nd. instant inviting me to the opening of the Kensas City, los, Intergoholastic League on Friday, January 7, 1958—_ 7 I assure you I feel vory much honored and flattered by being invited, but we are alse opening with the University of Oilahona here in Lawrence on January 7, so of course it would be impossible for me to attend your games. Nothing would delight me more then to be with you, but under the circumstances we will have to defer your kind invitation to sane other time, if you will pronise to ask me again seme other years. I remember you very well and recall many pleasant Gays thet we had at Verrensburze I want to thank you also for the tyo season booklets, and if there is any oprortmity to come in and witness soue of your games I assure you I will avail myself of its With every good wish to you for a very Merry Christues and a Prosperous and Happy New Year, I am Sincerely yours, | Varsity Basketball Coach, — FCA sAH Director of Physical Rducatione EAST HIGH SCHOOL KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Klee, 22 March 11, 1958. nf ha SEst «aude a3 9334 a bh | fh ty Vs , g2ge i Ht yea ay ara 2323 bi 4383 e faq? ay 8893 Simmeroly yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Dasketball Coaches tuptting your reply, and with Idudest personal regards, FCAsAH SOUTHWEST MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE SPRINGFIELD ROY ELLIS, PRESIDENT : Mar, 6 / FFE — ee KD Bat For Guce/ ZX U4) Kee (elles beehhdllal!” 94%, By: rot Bat Gan Kavt Lacrnediad! 7 can GerB SOUTHWEST MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE SPRINGFIELD Cad fin GIT I At tin 02 fo Po : | 2 4 os - eel Ainoc! Y Ace eae