e THE PROGRAM jd e Each Community works out its own program, after careful study of its needs and resources. The following items are usually found to be practical: With Young Men (18-26) * Young Men's Clubs—with service program. i] e = - Social, Educational and Physical Activities. Co-educational Events—-with wholesome recreation. Study and Discussion Groups based on interest. Vocational and Personal Counselling. Week-end Stag and Co-ed Camps. Training Conferences for Leadership. With High School Boys (Co-operating with Schools) Hi-Y Clubs with Service Programs. Conferences, Local, District and National. Camps for Leadership Training. Vocational and Personal Counselling. With Younger Boys (Co-operating with Churches) Pioneer and Friendly Indian Clubs. The Indian Guides (a father and son program). Educational Hikes and Trips. Summer and Winter Camping. With the Community Inter-church Councils of Youth. Conferences of Church Men. Co-operation in Recreational and Social Service Programs. Leadership Training Institutes. Adult Education Programs. U LEADERSHIP oe Leadership and intelligent sympathetic adult guidance is essential to good group work. The Community Committee A carefully selected Community Committee of busi- ness and professional men, youth leaders, and a few of the youths themselves, meet regularly for study and planning and for the administration of the local program. Group Leaders and Sponsors Each organized group or activity has a leader or spon- sor who works with the group, helping them to get the greatest possible value out of their experiences. Character is caught rather than taught. These leaders and counsellors find genuine satisfaction in this re- warding service. Supervision To give unity and direction to this program a Y.M.C.A. Secretary is secured who seeks to discover, enlist and train volunteer leaders for committee and coun- selling service. He works with and through the lead- ers and committees, helping them to develop the best possible program—-keeping in mind the central ob- jective of the Association. Community Co-operation The Committees, leaders and the Y.M.C.A. Secretary all co-operate closely with the other agencies——sup- plementing rather than supplanting. The Community Y.M.C.A. often becomes a valuable co-ordinating fac- tor in youth work. The churches find here a strong ally—and a platform upon which they can all work together.