' December 1, 1937« ‘Mire Robin MeGeorge, Manager, Hotel Kensas Citian, Kansas City, Missourie | Doubtless Mr. George Veenker, secretary of the Big Six Conference, has asked you for accamod- tix Ddrecters' meeting and Basketball Coachos on Fri- Ke have witten the coabhes of Kansas, | fiebrasim, Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa inviting them for the open and also for the showing of this ploturee take this matter up with you so there would be no confusion et the last moment.. I will appreciate your usual s cooperatione As chairman of the National \1 Rules Counittee of the Sth District, I will be in charge of the With deep appreciation, I am Sincerely YOursy teeta th Matted Yeas National Basketball Rules Comitteos