December 24, 1937. $254 Cypress Avenve, Kansas City, "oe Dear iaes | Thanir you for your very zood lotter of the 22nd. instant inviting me to the opening of the Kensas City, los, Intergoholastic League on Friday, January 7, 1958—_ 7 I assure you I feel vory much honored and flattered by being invited, but we are alse opening with the University of Oilahona here in Lawrence on January 7, so of course it would be impossible for me to attend your games. Nothing would delight me more then to be with you, but under the circumstances we will have to defer your kind invitation to sane other time, if you will pronise to ask me again seme other years. I remember you very well and recall many pleasant Gays thet we had at Verrensburze I want to thank you also for the tyo season booklets, and if there is any oprortmity to come in and witness soue of your games I assure you I will avail myself of its With every good wish to you for a very Merry Christues and a Prosperous and Happy New Year, I am Sincerely yours, | Varsity Basketball Coach, — FCA sAH Director of Physical Rducatione