ina Beardstom, Tllincis Dear Johns ) : 5 ms seithing pus & eunbitaetnl ache Wihkiee she eek a. got through his Foods and futrition with a Ce, but he failed in his bi Sius Geeeeclie le tactien erate I bave now engaged a tutor for him and he cannot afford to fail on this final examinations Burt DeGroot, who has his Insters Degree with a history major from Stanford, is the young man tutoring hime Burt ie in our Physical Education Department and is a brother of DeGroot, A who refereed the University of Southern California and Miee gance for ee Dudley is now Athietie Direetor in Rochester, New Yorke I will let know how John is getting along in his studiese I am Very | that he will mnie 18 and 7 bolfove ho will Af Sart eam There is another item that I would like to have you favor 1 me with, and that is to pass. on the following officialse Leonard. De Sachs, Director of Basketball, Loyola University, has written me suggesting tho followings *m reply to your letter of the 27th instant, I an eee recommends 1 anes seis he tots dates Sips Lyle Clernow-=Tllinois _ Mire Ne Messingor——«llew York University Ure Se Pecorarae=woe!aliag — Mre Je ee AN bs cmige——liete Wolepan Ure Boag nmenmePurdus” WAL you kindly tell mo what you think of thent