“f= Congretuletions tothe Burnsides and to Cob, Ure on his far vision toward the navy. I think a chap who can go to Anmpolis or Vest Point has a splendid heritage. A place like either one of these fine service institutions is worth mush te the youmg men who are fortumete enough to attend. Respect for the country and the fleg are two things that I think every American youngster shovld have taught from ell of us. And there is just something about it when you walk on the plains at West Point or where you see John feul Jones memorial et Annapolis that is worth mughe It has always lifted me up each and every time I have been fortunate — enough to tread that sacred ground. | , thank you for your long letter and some day when I have the opportunity I will write you one as interesting and as lengthye i appreeiate the comment that you had when jou and Vie and Sus played golf, | o | 3 : I would like to tell you seme family news, but will ._ omly touch on ohe member of the family = Jane, who is an ertist in Chicago and doing splendidly. She will be mrried September 6th here in Lawrences. She is mrrying a young \ tn hamed Mons, @ eradumte of Exoter and Prinoston, who is ® business man in Chicagose They came down over the Fourth, fiew dowmm, and we met them in Kansas City. He is a grand fellow, so think the Allense ae So Prse Alien is @11 in a dither micing preparations, And Bleanor is going baek with Bobby to the University of Pennsylvania, Like all youngsters, she warts to get away from homes ‘She will be a junior next year at Penns Gave our love to “rs. Burnside end Cobby, Jr., and ‘tell them thet we ere strong for the Burnsides, With all good wishes to you, old fellow, I am | ' Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach. | |