December 19, 1940 lire Andrew Roubik ianager — Allerton Hotel Chicago, Tllinois Dear lire Roubikes The University of Kansas Basketball Team will leave Lawrence, Kansas on the Santa Fe Streamliner at 1200 P.lle, Monday afternoon, December 23, and will arrive in Chicago at 9:30 P.M, There are fifteen in the party, including players, trainer and coache Mrse Allen and my dauzhtor, Fleanor, will accompany us on this trip, which will make a total of 176 If you could reserve & couple of rooms ' or @ suite for Mrse Allen, Eleanor and myself, I would appreciate ite We will leave Chicago the morning of the 24th, at 9215, for the east and will return January 1 at 4:55 Pellee We will stay in Chicago until after ovr game with em on January 2, and will leave Janwry 3 or