par iter = DEST RAB UTO 8S PRENTING AND WRAPPING Phe ERs 860-880 N.W.SECOND, 0 K LAH OMA Clit, @k te ee ee July 9, 1941. De, f. Cx Allen, University of “ansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Dr. Allen: Another letter from you outlining your continued efforts to match a home and home series of basketball games with Oklahoma A & M reached my desk during my abesnce in June. We had a glorious opening for the newspaper house and I barged out of town with my family on a tour of half of America to avoid a padded cell and a straight jacket in the saniterium at Norman. This will explain my delay in answering your fine letter. I greatly appreciate your confidence, but you know | am violently interested inasmucy as 1 did all 1 could to point you in Iba's direction for this series of games. I1 reviewed your exchange of correspondence and cannot suggest inyanyyway that 1 would follow any course other than the one you_ have pursued. In fact, 1 think you are exactly right and 1 think you have used every means of developing the situation with him. I believe you have reached the point where-it will be well for you to forget Mr. lba and you have my permission. 1 think he is entirely out of line and I am very much disappointed at his attitude. He is a pretty crafty boy and probably has the idea that he is on top and can dictate his terms in any situation. To be perfectly frank with you, the alumni in our city are not particularly anxious to hsve you play him. They appreciate that he has somewhat of a reputation in basketball circles, have always resented our playing them because