THE COACHES Leonard D. Sachs-- Director of Athletics Varsity Basketball Coach Exactly 19 years ago Loyola University obtained the services of Leonard D. Sachs to coach the basketball team, basketball havin: been established as an inter- collegiate sport at that time, Today this same Coach Sachs can be found putting the modern version of the Ramblers through their paces. Since 1924 Loyola team have won 189 games while losing 109. This gives Loyola a win average of .635 and a lose average of .365, which is indeed a remarkable record considering the class of competition, and the quantity and caliber of the material that Sachs yearly molds into a winning com- bination. In 1923 the Ramblers had won 435 straight games before losing to Purdue and were recognized National Champions. Again in 1938 the Ramblers completed their regular season without a loss and had run their streak to 21 before losing to L.I.U, in the finals of the Metropolitan Sports Writers Tourney. All of this has been accomplished with material provided from the 1.50 students on the Lake Shore Campus. Coach Sachs being one of the earliest advocates of the pivot play and an authority on this type of play has produced the games greatest pivot men in Charlie "Feed" Murphy and Big Mike Novak. Coaching the U is not the only work that Sachs must find time for. He also coaches the Loyola Academy Football and Track teams and has been turning out Champions for them as well. His teams have won four football and five track championships since 1928 and yearly they are listed among the top contenders PAGE 4