parpenter ™ : PST ROUTER S PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS eco-eeowwesecons, O K LAH OMA CIIY, G@R CAR Y mee Oklahoma A & M has a rather unsavory reputation in Oklahoma. They are simply declasse if you know what I mean. Just a glorified ee tues any ivy or‘elms if you know what I mean. I1 have enjoyed some fine friendships up there and do not feel above them, but 1 would hardly say that they are in K. U.'s class so far as their personnel or smholastic standings are concerned. I will have occasion to see “r. Iba personally in stillwater sometime next week and I will let him=open the subject as feel Il would be exposing your hand if 1 revealed that + had had ad- ditional information as to his attitude. I! am most certain he will open up and pour out his heart to:me. Getting back to our trip, we covered some of the points which you made with your basketball boys and members of ycur family lst Christmas. We went as far north as Connecticut and Vermont and cut across on the Mohawk Trail through Massachusetts and upper New York state to Niagara and home by way Detroit and Chicago. Of course, we had a fine visit with the Waldorfs in Chicago. You might be interested in knowing that they have just purchased their first home and they are quite thrilled over the prospect of settling down in Evanston, even with the ten-year payments of a home ahead of them. Our trip through Tennessee and Virginia was particularly pleasant. We were in Washington several days and we stayed over night in Atlantic City. This was a mistake too, for it is quite a spot and we had several days in New York before going up to acaquire a bit of the Boston culture. I greatly regret that you have apparently lost Cobby to the navy. He put in his bid to our congressman for an appoi tment to Annapolis and a visit to that spot seems to have been only an additimal inspiration to him.