oe a RALPH W. HARBISON HARPER SIBLEY W. SPENCER ROBERTSON _ JAMES M. SPEERS _ EUGENE E. BARNETT 5 . PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN NATIONAL BOARD TREASURER GENERAL SECRETAR THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STEADMAN BALL A.L. MAYER PRESIDENT AREA COUNCIL CORPORATE NAME EXECUTIVE SECRETARY INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS HENRY B. PFLAGER FIRST VICE PRESIDENT H. W. BOLTZ ASSOCIATE SECRETARY RAY F. FREY ean vice eee cipens WEST CENTRAL AREA COUNCIL LEO eee (Ineluding Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming) PROGRAM SECRETARY DEAN E. SHAFFER CHAIRMAN AREA BOARD OFFICE, 114 EAST NINTH ST. JOHN V. GLADES ALDEN EBERLY TOPEKA, KANSAS ASSOCIATE HI-Y SECRETARY RECORDING SECRETARY JOHN J. SNODGRASS RAYMOND E. NESMITH ASST. RECORDING SECRETARY ASSOCIATE HI-Y SECRETARY : PAUL B. SWEET April Le $ 1941 CARROLL M. MOON TREASURER SECRETARY, ROCKY MOUNTAIN DAVID NEISWANGER STUDENT COUNCIL ASSISTANT TREASURER FERN BABCOCK DR. A. F. TYLER SECRETARY, SOUTHWEST a ASSISTANT TREASURER STUDENT COUNCIL Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Department of Physical Education Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear "Phog": I have just been checking over with the Camp Wood Committee regarding their Physical equipment for camp this season. We were going through the Lowe and Campbell catalog with a view of ordering such supylies as they would need for the camping season and came across the illustration of your GOAL-HI STANDARD. I have been very much impressed with this equipment as it might be used for both formal and informal activities at a camp. If the camp were in position to purchase such equipment, they would of course order directly from the catalog, however it is necessary for the committee to exercise considerable care in expenditures for camp equipment. You have been at Camp Wood and know something of the number and type of boys who attend. They of course are representative of high schools thoughout the state and naturally a large percentage of these boys go on to college. I would like to see these boys become acquainted with such equipment as GOAL-HI. I wanted to present to you the question of whether you would like to give an OUTDOOR GOAL-HI STANDARD to Camp Wood as your contribution to Kansas Hi-Y boys. Most of the Camp equipment including cabins has come in the form of contributions from the many friends thoughout the state, If you would feel so inclined, it would be greatly appreciated. Camp opens May24 and continues throughout the summer. With best wishes for your continued success, I am Sincerely yours, Keurerd (oti H. W. Bolts