December 14,1943 Lt. Col. Watson L. Meliorris Commandant ,A.3.T.Pe Military Science Building Lawrence, HZansas. Dear Colonel: In a telephone conversation with Dr. F. C. Allen today, he told me that you were interested in purchasing 12 pairs of basket ball shoes, 12 psirs of pants and 12 shirts. First, on shoes ~ we have absolutely nothing whatsoever to offer you. Haven't had any basket »all shoes now for quite some time, and no prospects of getting eny more at an early date. However, the shoes that you have that we sold you for your ASTP Training Progrem could be used for this sport. It is just e suggestion on our part. Qn shirts - we have no two color combinations in stock, and it would probably require four to five weeks to have them made up special under conditions today. We do have plain colors, and we understand that you are interested in either Royal blue or new gold. In our No. B176P, which is a rayon, cotton reinforced shirt, medium weight, we could supply either color; sizes 52 to 42. Price $1.00 each. We also have a medium weight cotton, No. Bl62P, in stoek in these colors, which would only cost 50¢ each. In a pant ~ we have our No. B289, a good grade OD khaki, standard model; that is, button front, semi-belt, and with pads; sizes 28 to 40 inclusive, which would eost you 95¢ a pair. Then if your team isn't too large, we could supply our No. B91 Pant, which is a rayon twill, in new gold, ss we have sizes only 28, $0 end 52 in stoek; the price $1.35 per pair. If your boys could wear these and then get the No. B176 Shirt in Royal blue, it would make a very flashy outfit. | All quotations are f. o. b. Kansas City, Missouri. Let us know if we can be of service to you. Yours for victory, LOWE & CAMPBELL KER/rw Merchandise Manager