Financing the Program A maximum of service with a minimum of ex- pense is secured because the emphasis is placed upon personality and volunteer leadership. . Several smaller cities and rural areas combine to form a "District Y.M.C.A." Each community has represen- tation upon a District Board of Directors. This Board gives unity to the entire district, raises and adminis- ters the budget, employs the Secretary and supervises the general program. . The District Secretary works through this Board in general administration and through the Community Committees in the direct supervision of the local programs. . The District should be large enough to provide an adequate budget—-yet small enough to insure effec- tive work. New communities may be added or the district divided as the interest and program develops. . Items usually included in such a budget are: a. Travel expenses of the District Secretary. b. Office—rent, steno, postage, phone, etc. c. Program supplies—publicity, etc. d. Salary of the District Secretary. e. A share in Area and National Program. f. Other incidental items. Note—Communities usually have available meeting places for groups without providing additional equipment. Schools churches and private homes open their doors to youth—under competent organization and sponsorship. the VVC A. In Service to the Youth Of Smaller Cities, Towns And Rural Communities WITH EMPHASIS UPON PERSONALITY AND PROGRAM RATHER THAN UPON PHYSICAL EQUIPMENT mw a Fellowship of Men and Boys seeking to create a Christian Personality and a Christian Society.” —Statement of Purpose. THE WEST CENTRAL AREA COUNCIL Young Men's Christian Association Topeka, Kansas