Pebruary 6, 1946. Repair Departuont, | Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Coe, : 1509 Baltimore Avenue, ra. Kansas City, Mc. Dear Sirs: | Sincerely yours, ae Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. March 5, 1915. Myr. Roy Stevens, * Gyedit Manager, - Lowe & Canpbell Athletic Goods Co., Kensas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Stevens: In reply to your letter of March lst, the - arrows which were purchased by Miss Ruth Hoover for this department, are being paid for in our Purchase Request No. 46711, which is going through our Business Office today. | Thanking you for your courtesy to Miss — Hoover and to the Depa % of Physical Education, I am Very sincerely yours, ae Director of Physical ee FCA:AH Varsity Basketball coach. Jowe & Camper DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS COMPANY WHOLESALE + MANUFACT ING + RETAIL 4509-11-13 BALTIMORE AvE., KANSAS CITY 8, MO. March 1, 1945 Dr. Pfog Allen Dir. of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrenee, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen; We have received payment from Miss Ruth I. Hoover, Girls Physical Director, on a charge of February 24th, but Miss Hoover did not pay this charge in full. Included among the items in the billing were six dozen arrows. Miss Hoover paid for only two dozen of these arrows, and sent us a note stating you would pay for the other four dozen arrowse These were priced at $3.25 a dozen, and the total charge for them is $13.00 plus 26¢ tax. We will comt on you to mail us your check for $13.26 in the enclosed envelope within the next day or so, now that the matter has been called to your attention. If there is any question about the arrangement, we will be glad to hear from you. Very truly yours, LOWE & AMPBELL Stevens Credit Manager KANSAS CITY ° MINNEAPOLIS ° C INEGI NAT . CLEVELAND . DES MOINES. . CHICAGO ° DALLAS ° $ T.. L:0 ULES Sets PR AoUrL o- DE UT ReOcd yt ° DENVER ° NASHVILLE ° Pek Tt TS: BeUe RG ° WASHINGTON ° SYRACUSE ° CHARLO nb. Tink FS Re Ce @ 1944 M On (qHISISIDEO OFCARD IS FOR:ADDRESS } UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE, KANSAS. IMPORTANT--ABOUT YOUR BALL REPAIRS We have one or more inflated balls that have been sent in by you for repairs. If these balls do not require a new bladder they will be repaired and sent to you as soon as possible. If balls require new bladders, there is nothing we can do as new bladders are unobtainable. Only one rubber company in the U. S. makes bladders and they advise us that government orders make it impossible for them to supply us. Unless we hear from you we will hold the balls until bladders are available. This, however, might be months. We regret this situation very much but under the circumstances we are powerless. LOWE & CAMPBELL ATHLETIC GOODS. ue & Camper ATHLETIC GOODS fd DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS Co. 1509-11-13 Baltimore Ave., | Kansas City 8, Mo. February 28, 1945 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, ROBINSON GYMNASIUM, LAWRENCE, KANSAS. RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR CHECK. NO RECEIPT WILL BE SENT UNLESS REQUESTED. ae a nr cnr appt Aca se ce eae ee ere arr ars eS fac omer ee ee ee me oe pence ae ees ee uy eres oe et ee es pees ee we DATE INVOICE NO. CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE 2-1-45 BALANCE FORWARD 095 bale FEB 19-4 6.00 6.93 om This statement is a complete record of your account for the month—it shows all In This Column g charges and credits. If inaccurate, write us atonce. The Last Amount Is The Amount Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Due DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS Co. FORM NO. 169 VERIFICATION LETTER Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS Co. | ase ee , on University of Kansas Robinson Gymnasium Lawrence, Kansas 2 3 We are making a regular audit of our accounts receivable and enclose a statement of your a account with us, showing a balance Ofsheeeteoee at the lose of BUSiNOSS.. ic Of « RETAIL 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AvE., KANSAS CITY 8, MO. | January 26, 1945 Dr. F. Ge Alien University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: There is a balance in your favor on the account in the amount of $2.79 created by an over-payment of last March. Since you have not had any occasion to use this credit in sending further remittances, do you wish a refund? We want to take this opportunity also of mentioning that we appreciate the business you sent us last year, and we hope that we will have many further opportunities of serving you during 1945. Very truly yours, R/ §./STEVANS: Credit Manager RSS san MINNEAPOLIS ° CINCINNATI ° CLEVELAND . DES MOINES ° CHICAGO e° DALLAS ° st BEST Re OALT see ns DENVER e NASHVILLE e Peet tS BURG, B ° WASHINGTON ° SYRACUSE ° CyHOA RL OO: TT E WHOLESALE + MANUFAC 1 * RETAIL 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO. Nov. 2nd,1944 Dr. Forrest Ce. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: Every set of marking flags we have in stock are made up just like the ones you received - it isn't a 5 on the reverse side of the No. 2 Flag - it is simply the backside of the No. @. : If it were not made this way, the figure would show through the ‘ flag in the sunlight and there would be an intermingling of outline. I have always contended that these flags should be made double ‘ so that the numbers would be right side up no matter which way : the flag was blowing. ; We do not list any golf course equipment in our catalog. D. B.Bell & Son, 72nd & Wornall Road, this city, specialize in golf course : machinery and equipment, but I doubt if they have any recent catalog, because manufacturing restrictions for the past three years have made most catalogs valueless. Certainly, though, they can give you specific information regarding any items for which you are now in the market - I am sure they can supply you with the proper type of flag poles, and I agree with you that it is better to get a factory product than to attempt to improvise a substitute. Yours for,Victory, L. R. Freeburg LOWE & CAMPBELL LRF/rw © = BTANE RS CHTR © MIME APOULS + CANE AR oe CLR EL ASD DETROIT j ace tig sianet area ee! rep ire! gD EN VER ie = aes a8 : September 27, 1944. Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kensas City, Moe Attention: Repair Department. Dear Sirs: We are sending you by parcel post today five basketballs for repair. ‘wo of these had been sent to your firm previously, and were returned with your “repaid” tag attached, tt no work had been done of then. We will appreciate the repair of these five balls at your early corvenience. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. EWES WES ke eRe ee eee errr Vany coaches have 1% you agree with me? ~ : Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coache Mr. Marion H. Miller, Publicity Director, ae Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Co., Kansas City 8, Mo. =- Dear Marion: You certainly were correct in celling my attention to the fact that I had overlooked the listing of the basketball . books. I realise how valuable your space is in a catalog of that sort, and I will appreciate the boost in “The Coach’. ‘With pardonable pride, after looking over the athletic books on the market, I think the chapter alone on Treatment of Athletic Injuries is something that none of the other books carry. Many coaches have told m - ani I believe then - that the book is worth that moh for this chapter alone, and thet no other text carries it. Don't you agree with me? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH , Varsity Basketball Coach. eraser aa Jowe & Camper DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS COMPANY WHOLESALE MANUFACTYWRING «+ RETAIL 1509-11-13 pattimore Ave. KANSAS CITY 8, MO. September 6th, 1944 Mr. Forrest Ce Allen, : Director of Physical Education, University of Kanses, ‘Lawrence, Kansase Dear "Phog"™: I have your letter in which you mentioned thet your book “Better Basketball" is not listed in our 1943844 fall and winter catalog but I am afraid that you did not look in the right place for it since the book heads the list of basketball books on Page 23. Likewise, it is again listed in our new fall catalog being mailed out this week. You will find basketball books listed on Page 19 of the new catalog which will undoubtedly reach you within the next day or two. I will be gled to give the book an added boost in an early edition of THE COACH and only regret thet space does not permit a more detailed description of this and other books in our cataloge Very cordially yours, By 7 ae He Miller MEM/gf Publicity Director K-AUN-S £28. CTF . MINNEAPOLIS ° CINCINNATI . CLEVELAND . DES MOINES . CHICAGO . DALLAS ° ST. LOUIS ST PAUL . D:E21- 5.91 ft . DENVER ° NASHVILLE . Plct-TS 3:0 2G. 8 . WASHINGTON ° SYRACUSE ° CHARLOTTE _ September 4, Mr. Marion Miller, ‘ Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods eae 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Marion: : In the 1945-44 fall and winter catalog I fail to find a listing of my book, BETTER BASKETBALL. Since our coache ing schools at Iowa and Topeka I find a great interest in the purchase of this book. Doubtless it is due to the fact that so many of the old time coaches are going back in the. game and many new ones are coming on. Don't you think it would be a good idea to play up this book again? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH — Varsity Basketball Coach. 1944, Ihde a ae on ai) tel WHOLESALE - ic Ofc « RETAIL : 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AvE., KANSAS CITY 8, MO. Jews « Comper DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS COMPANY August 3,1944 Dr. F. Ce. Allen c/o Athletic Dept. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog": In keeping with your letter, I am sending one only No. BS4 King made basket ball shirt, which I understend you are to submit to your equipment man to see if you could use the three we have on hand here in Kansas City. The other two I am retaining here in Kansas City are exactly like the one I am shipping - they are all size 38 and all in as good condition as the one I am sending. I thought it advisable to hold the other two here so that if you could use this one No. 5 garment which I am sending you, I could number the other two with whatever numbers you might suggest. On second thought, you'll have to return this one I am sending, too, in order to get a numeral put on the back of it. All of this, of course, provided you can use the No. 5 garment as a fill-in on your present outfit. I hope that these three we have, which I am quoting $2.50 each on, will match up with some one of your outfits so you can use them. I would appreciate it, too, “Phog" if you will let me know immediately, because I am planning on leaving here in about a week or ten days. I am going up North and do a little fishing with Mr. D.K.C. I'am wondering, too, if you would be interested in one only King made sport cook alyle jacket, size 40, which is made of scarlet tackle twill and has the heavy worsted rib trim at the neck, cuffs and bottom bands, with Royal blue and white stripes in the center of these knitted parts.. This garment is lined with white durene knit lining. It, too, is lettered "Kansas" across the front just exactly the same as these basket ball shirts,i heve, but of course there are no numbers on it. It is in first class condition, although just a tiny bit soiled from having been used as a sample. It ordinarily sells to the schools for $10.15 each, and if you are interested I will be happy to dispose of it to you at $7.00. This is a real value if you could use it on any one of your team members, or perhaps as a gift to some one of your sons,or anybody else that will fit a size 40 garment. I'd be glad to send it to you on approval. Incidentally, I am not charging this one jersey 1 am sending you - merely holding a memorandum on it. . KANSAS CITY ° MINNEAPOLIS . CINCINNATI e CLEVELAND ° DES MOINES . CHICAGO ° DALLAS ° ST. 0. U1 Ss Sit. ee e DETR OTT ° DENVER ° NASHVILLE . Pitts £0 8:68 . WASHINGTON ° SYRACUSE e CHARLOTTE F. C. Allen - 8/3/44 Believe me, basket ball pharaphernalia of any kind or description is going to be mighty scarce this winter, and we are already experiencing © great deal of difficulty in taking care of some of our football orders. With more to come, we are going to be in quite some embarrassing position, I am afraid. 7 Yours iid W Le. V- Brown LOWE & CAMPBELL LVB/rw August ka 1944. Marre Le Ve Brown, Lowe & “Campbell Athletic Goods Co., 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Hoe Dear Red: I will be glad to look at these shirts and see whether we can use them or not. then they arrive I will turn thea over to Dean and have him check up on sizes and numbers, and if we can use them a couple of them back to have different numbers on them. if they are not exactly like the equipment we have then of course you understand we cannot use them. 3 4 E z Ernie is to arrive on the job this morning, and with his enthusiasm and energy I am sure that he will make a definite place for himself in the recently rather _ unaccelerated Yepartnent of the directorship. With all good wishes to you and yours, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH | | Varsity Basketball Coach. owe 2 Compre DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS COMPANY ic Of - RETAIL 1509-11-13 BALTIMORE AvE., KANSAS CITY 8, MO. July 29th, 1944 WHOLESALE + Dre Fe Co Allen, Athletic Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog"s I have three very high grade =-all size 38--King Sportswear made basketball shirts in Kansas colors ,scarlet with royal blue and white trim around the neck and armholese Each of these shirts do have the supporter feature and are lettered with the wrd "Kansas" across the chest in fancy block felt letters about two and a half inches high royal blue with white outline. . All three of them have the number 5 on the front under the word "Kensas", which is also the same color as the lettering. There are no numerals on the back. These numerels could be removed end replaced with the proper numerals and we could put numbers on the back for yous Would you be interested in taking these slightly soiled | salesments samples off our hands? This particular shirt is a particularly heavy good rapn finished shirt with the durene back and ordinarily sells for $4.50 without the lettering or numbers. If youwent them as they are, I'll be gled to sell them to you at $2.50 each. The thought occurred to me that you might be able to use these as fill ins on some suits that are undoubtedly similar or maybe exactly like these. Let me know if you're interested and I'll be glad to send them to you on approval. I was very much surprised recently to hear of Quigley's appointment because I had no idea that he had any aspirations for such a job but ungestionably he should be well qualified and should do a fine job for the University in that capacity. Give my kind regards to the family and dont fail to drop in to see us sometime when you're down this way. af tows & camprenn JCD — 1. V. drew’ A ik S Se Set OUTS K-AN GaAs Crt ys w WB gE: s CIC LNNA TIO. © Ses DES “WON ES > 5G HM CAG On. 9. 2D RG Se ee e DrEst RO -1-E ° DENVER ° NASHVILLE e Suwon: H ° WASHINGTON . SYRACUSE ° CHARLOTTE Yours truly, — : ows, g Camppety 1509-11-13 Baltimore Ave. Kansas City8, Mo. June 30, 1944 “UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, ROBINSON GYMNASIUM, LAWRENCE, KANSAS. RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR CHECK. NO RECEIPT WILL BE SENT UNLESS REQUESTED. DATE INVOICE NO. CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE 6/1/44 — BALANCE FORWARD «_- 2,50 Bale a 1H (@: 25 nary 114757m JUN 8 = 11.75 Fea JUN 1. 4-44 24120 252.95 Fem JUN 22-4 250 250 45 Fea gun 28-44 24120 9 25